Saturday, August 15, 2020

Saturday afternoon

 I am running out of memory on my phone so I deleted Facebook and my weather app.  I would rather have cat photos and Youtube music.  

But I did check the weather today and it's going to be dry all week.  Normally I don't water the plants but I got out the hose and got that going.  

Ron has been good, moaning a little in his sleep but a good overall attitude.  I think he has been sleep deprived for a while with the seizures and high blood pressure so he is catching up on his sleep.  I take the "Don't bother him if he is sleeping" attitude.  Unless it is pill time then I would wake him up.  

Pills seem to be well tolerated with no side effects aside from a little fatigue.  Ron says he feels pretty raw, especially abdominal muscles, from the seizures.  I bet!  He was really dancing there.  He said I should make a video next time and I told him I doubted that would go over well with the social worker.  

I have figured something out with Biscuit, he likes to come over to me when I'm on the computer.  He likes to sit to my right, reach his front paws up and dig them into my right thigh.  I have figured out that is him, asking to be picked up, I did so today and he lay contentedly in my arms for a good 10 minutes.  So that's good.  I love picking cats up but my experience they all hate it.  It seems Biscuit is OK with it in certain scenarios.  

And here's a great example of God's perfect timing.  As you know yesterday was a bad day for me.  Today I was expecting my shipment of vitamins, mainly ginger root, menopause herbs, and some C for Ron.  I checked my email and they had been delivered.  It is over 100 degrees out there so I went to get them.  And I found a nice surprise in the mail!  

A nice card, I could tell that much.  I came home and opened it, gift cards for a place we like to get delivered, along with another encouraging note.  AWESOME.  Thank you, very much, I will definitely be using that.  Someone has been paying attention.  That was a very nice surprise.  

God has a way of sending me encouragement when I need it, but of course people have to listen to God's leading, and clearly this lady does.  :)  

I did up my pills, I had taken the last of the Wild Yam today.  I feel smoother and fewer hotflashes, sleeping better, taking the herbs and no side effects (they are about $5 a month for both) so I got 2 bottles of each.  I didn't have much money but I could do that.  And the ginger root was so cheap ($2 a bottle of 100) I got 2 bottles of that because I take that frequently for stomach upset.  Swanson's shipping is a flat $5 for the whole order so I might as well.  

I wish Ron had more water today but that is about it for the bad news.  Oh, and we got flood insurance,the bargain price of only $1,600.  They sent it early it isn't due for 2 months.  I guess they figure we need to save up.  

I wonder how many people are having to let insurance lapse this year due to finances, how many will get foreclosed as a result.  Some, I imagine.  God has been generous, we have it but not much besides.  But: OUCH.  

On that note I had a can of peas and some rice for dinner.  It's what I wanted.  I have meat but I just wanted the peas and rice so I went with that.  I took my pills, they are happy so no issue.  So I did that.  Some people say meatless meals are better for menopause.  I don't know about that but now and then I do like to go meatless.  Sometimes I just don't have the taste for meat.  The peas and rice made a complete protein which is all I would worry about.  God knows I take enough vitamins.  

So, Ron, for now (Until I run it past neurologist) is taking a multi with iron, Vitamin E (not at the same time as iron "eats" vitamin E), and some C which I will give with the multi (helps iron absorb).  He came back dehydrated at the hospital which did not surprise me as he is Mr 2 ounces of water a day.  But they didn't say anything about anemia so the iron must be helping.  I may give 2 C's a day, one capsule twice a day.  I need to run that through and see if there would be an interaction with his drugs.  

I had probably better go do that.  

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