Friday, August 7, 2020

I hope I learned my lesson (Pea protein + Iron supplement)

 There is really no pleasant way to eat pea protein.  I just gag it down.  Sometimes you can find it premixed with rice protein and a light vanilla flavor, but the plain stuff is pretty grim.  

I am OK with that as it does AMAZING things for hunger level and desire to snack.  That is super important.  

And, as you know, every couple weeks I do up a couple pill organizers with my prescriptions and supplements for the day.  I have an AM and a PM compartment.  I had put my herbs (turns out Black Cohosh is not advised if one is taking antidepressants, so I took it out), Wellbutrin, and vitamins in the AM.  That has been going OK the last couple weeks but today I had the pills with "just" the protein shake.  

So horribly queasy!  And I was irritable because I was so queasy.  Not fun at all.  

After all that I am staying home.  

I had a good time with my God Time at least, pray and Bible study, got that done.  I feel that is the important daily work.  I pray for YOU, and pretty much everyone else on the planet.  

Blogger changed the line spacing.  I used to have to hit enter twice to get a line break, now just one does it.  It is a hard habit to break.  

The cats are good, Spotty went to visit Ron in bed.  He made a mess with breakfast (Ron, not Spotty), I will have to change the sheets, but I do about 2x a week anyway.  The baking soda in the wash has been a big help.  It deodorizes without adding a strong fragrance.  And Ron hates pretty much any fragrance.  

SO I went to Swanson.  They did not have oregano oil capsules.  Frankly, I would rather get sick than take that ghastly oil.  BUT they were running a sale, 25% off their brand, which I like, on other things.  Like: Dong Quai.  Wild Yam.  Both good menopause herbs and have helped a lot with the hot flashes.  Ginger root was an astoundingly good deal, even better than Walmart and let's be blunt I would rather have "professionally" done up ginger root anyway.  I got 2 bottles of each for about $20 total.  I just stuck with that and did not buy anything else.  

Normally I get a fancy bar of soap or something but that can wait.  I am just happy I could afford the herbs.  

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