Saturday, August 8, 2020

Saturday morning

 I slept OK last night, not great, Ron woke me up a few times but not intentionally.  He will moan now and then with pain and he was queasy yesterday so I couldn't give him his Advil.  

I got up, did my God Time, helped him with some home care.  One complaint he had lately: the deodorant was scented.  He liked "Irish Spring" but says it is "too strong".  He didn't like the "sport" deodorant I picked out either so I (laugh) am using it.  I like it.  If I pay for something I'm going to use it.  

Yesterday he had complained of "acid stomach" again and I cannot find the antacids to save my life.  I gave him some pepto pills and he stopped complaining but he really wanted the chewable calcium carbonate thing.  

So I made a Walmart delivery order.  I am a member of the Walmart "Spark" (market research) community and I think that factored in me getting a free delivery slot just a few hours later.  I will take it.  And I always fill out the surveys honestly.  

I got 2 sticks of the Arm and Hammer deodorant, that is what I am using, just unscented for Ron.  And the antacids, and other things to get my total up.  

Note: it used to be a $30 minimum now it is $35.  I am set for Mountain Dew let me tell you.  I was able to get his chewables in the tropical flavor which he really likes.  They said they couldn't sub on that and I was worried I might not get them, but I did.  

And the delivery guy was very nice.  

So I went to bed, slept OK and got up around 7.  I did my God Time, helped Ron, went back to God Time, did a load of laundry (try to wash his sheets 2x a week), wrote everything down in my log (CYA).  I wasn't dressed yet and Biscuit kept poking at my bare thigh with his claws, so I got dressed.  He got up in my lap after that and got into a very uncomfortable position.  I tried to support him and he yelled at me, then got down and came back a little while later.  I saw a dead flea on him so the Advantage is working, but that reminded me his ears were a little gummy so I did the ear mite treatment.  He wasn't too happy with me after that and ran off.  

All my cats are really good about "treatments".  They will resist but they don't fight.

But he and Cleo both had a little ick in their ears, now both are treated.  And the stuff I used I can put the cap back on and use it again later.  And, as I said, plan is to get the "Good" Advantage ("Advantage Multi") which has the ear mite killing stuff in with the flea treatment, and I have given that to all cats before and they were fine.  

I have to be careful with Torbie she is about 90 years old, Bravecto made her fur fall out at the application site.  But she is fine with Advantage, even the Multi.  It is funny to think last year I was giving the "Five pounds and under" formula to Spotty and Cleo.  I don't know what Cleo weighs but she is ROUND and Spotty was 12 pounds when I held him while standing on the scale.  I used the 9 pounds and above for everyone.  

But for now my budget is trashed.  That is OK.  This month I do the last payment to the HOA.  That will be $90 in my pocket next month, money I can use to buy the Advantage.  And start planning the great run to the vet.  

So I have 5 cats, all due for shots.  I have Arturo who has a Kia and is willing to take cats.  Do I do one run (pretty sure I could stuff them all in the cab, and I could bring a hand cart for the carriers), and get it all over with at once?  And one payment for transportation?  Cheap part of me says awesome.  

Or I could take them a couple at a time.  That would be easier financially.  I will need to pray on it.  

I just want to get them all done pretty quick.  This month and next month are notorious for hurricanes, though, so I will have to keep an eye on that.  The last thing I want to do is take them all in the pouring rain, assuming the clinic even stayed open.  If they won't let me in the clinic I will write up a little history for each.  


Torbie: SWEET OLD LADY, etc.  

I do prefer to see how the vet is interacting with the cats but with Cleo it is going to be ugly anyway.  Maybe better if strangers are around for that and I am just the nice lady "saving" her from the horrible vaccines.  

And, Cleo might shock us all and be a good girl.  She has made a lot of progress this year.  No one sleeps with me now and I think it is because I'm too restless.  I am OK with that.  

I am not ashamed to say, if I feel a cat in my bed, I will ask God not to let me squish them.  

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