Friday, August 14, 2020

Not quite what I was expecting

 So I laid down for a nap.  Spotty came out from under the bed and joined Biscuit and me and in the bed.  Biscuit objected to Spotty laying on my chest and attacked him, full claws.  While Spotty was on my chest.  My legs are bloody.  

So, we got that sorted (Biscuit won) and I went to sleep.  1.  I developed a nasty headache AND had a horrible nightmare I was tortured by a sexual sadist (I have pretty vivid dreams).  

Now, lest you think this is due to something I "got" from Ron, Ron has always been a very courteous lover and more concerned with my enjoyment than his own.  He is not selfish by any means, much less a sadist.  That wasn't it.  He was upset to hear I had "a nightmare" but I did not give details.  

I asked him how he felt, a little worried about side effects, and he said he felt "great".  He never uses that word.  So I think, the medication working is helping him get back to a "normal" state and he is enjoying it.  And I can't say enough he has been so good about taking the pills.  He has also been sleeping really well, too.  

So that's all positive.  If I could lick the headache I would be a happy woman.  

Edit: just got a very nice compliment from Ron.  I cooked him some sausage (he has a good appetite which is good as I have worried about him eating enough), and he ate about half, said "I can't wait to get hungry again".  

What a nice compliment!  

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