Monday, August 17, 2020

I am pretty sure I have identified my stalker

 If I am correct, she followed me here from a message board.  She has sent me messages on the board, and one on FB which I ignored because I am terrible about checking my FB messages.  In the FB message there was a long tirade about why I can't wear black socks.  

I have never really been tempted to share my anti psychotics until that point.  Today another message on the board, this time quoting a random blog post from a few months ago when Walmart mis delivered my groceries.  I believe there have been a few more messages I ignored.  

So I figured that was a sign.  Everything within me said "Block in all ways" so I did.  Blocked on the message board.  Blocked on Facebook.  Can't make comments here as everyone is blocked (good guys I am sorry about that).  

Sad but I can't take chances.  

Someone told Ron once "You don't have friends you have a collection" because he had some odd friends.  In fact, he once copied a voicemail I left him saying "You have some strange friends" and used it as his greeting.  And he wonders why no one calls him these days.  

Me, I have had various people in my life.  John was damaged.  Eric L had a cleft lip but it never mattered to me.  Eric I had severe CP and difficulty walking.  I tried to teach him to ride a bike - that didn't work too well!  Kristine had an abusive father.  That was just high school.  

Living on my own was a little rough.  Ron had sex with the one friend I brought home.  They got drunk together in the living room after I went to bed.  So it was a long time before I trusted a woman again, much less Ron.  

Then I did find a nice lady at work, older, I thought that would be safer.  We went out for the day, shopping, we stopped for lunch at a pizza place, she ordered a pitcher of beer and drank the whole thing, looked me in the eyes, and said "At one point all friendships become sexual".  Ron thought that was a GREAT idea, I did NOT!  

So, some difficulty trusting women!  And men can be tricky!  

For instance, Jack, I consider him a dear friend but he is married, so am I.  Absolutely NO sexual interest on either part.  I think he views me as a little sister.  But that has been rare; Chuck, for instance not only made advances he lied to me.  He said he would stop bringing alcohol if I had a problem with it.  I told him I had a problem, not only did he keep bringing it he stepped up his attentions towards me.  

So: have to be careful with men, too.  

I am looking forward to Heaven when I don't have all these details.  

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