Thursday, August 20, 2020

A trip to the doctor

 I had a hard time getting Ron ready but eventually got his clean self in the wheelchair.  Our ride came at 9:30, I told the paratransit company I wanted to be there by 10:45, the appointment was 11.  

The driver said we didn't have a lot of other trips, which was good to hear.  We went to an apartment complex.  

There is a client who rides the service who is just a terrible person, very abusive to me, etc.  She used to live there.  The client had not given the proper access number when she made the trip.  

In Houston, all apartment complexes are surrounded by a metal fence with a gate.  You have to enter an access code before the gate will open.  The thinking is that it will prevent shenanigans.  It is just a huge hassle when we go to pick up someone in an apartment.  

Someone else finally let us in and we found the client.  She had a massive attitude.  Turns out she did not charge her wheelchair the night before so it was run down.  She had played games with her first ride and they finally left her, this was her second ride of the day.  Once they got her settled she turned to me and demanded I give her a snack.  She was not mentally limited, just supremely entitled.  I had a large tote bag for our needs and she must have assumed I had snacks I would give her.  

She just left her apartment.  That is the time to get yourself a snack.  I said no.   

The driver apologized and had to pick up another passenger.  The other client had a hissy fit and said she had to be across town in 20 minutes for her appointment.  Good luck.  She made several phone calls and had several major tantrums but they told her when the other ride left you lost your appointment time, you are lucky they came back at all, and if you don't like it they will take you home after dropping (us) off.  She didn't like it one bit but several people all told her the same thing.  

She kept saying we were going to "pass" her drop location in order to make the other stops, not true and that really upset the driver, who got very stern.  Then the client wanted to complain to me about her "unjust" treatment but I wasn't having any of it.  

We finally got to the doctor's office right at 10:45.  I called as requested and we went up, filled out paperwork, gave them the discharge papers from the hospital, and were seen by the doctor.  The doctor was very competent, nice, professional, very likable.  I really liked we could get in to see him so quickly.  He told us to call him anytime if Ron has another seizure, since the medication is working so well to keep that up, I asked for a 3 month refill and he said absolutely.  Excellent.  

He had some questions about the medical history so we gave it, in passing I mentioned Ron used to mow the yard after the accident, until his back went out on him, Doc was very impressed and I showed him the video, which he loved, he was chuckling watching the whole thing.  

Ron did pretty well but his back locked up, and he had a lot of trouble getting in Arturo's cab.  We barely got him out and I got him into bed with difficulty.  I don't think Ron is going to be riding with Arturo any time soon.  Ron fell asleep pretty much immediately when we got home.  

I did tell Ron,as we waited to go home, that my doc and the neuro have a lot in common because a good half the visit was doc lecturing us on the importance of taking medication consistently, not skipping days, etc.  That sounds very like my doc.  I will have to tell mine about that.  I understand probably better than most due to my own medications.  

Epilepsy treatment and bipolar treatment are very similar, in that medication has to be taken consistently every day until you're dead.  You screw up, you will have BIG PROBLEMS.  Some of the paper work I signed stated I would ask for refills well before I needed them so Ron wouldn't risk running out.  Which I will absolutely do.  I am pretty paranoid about running out anyway.  

I mean, seeing Ron seize is like one of the worst things ever.  I would rather see him commit adultery, it was that bad.  I pray I never see that again it was unspeakably awful.  But I like the doc, he is nearby, and very helpful.   He is requesting Ron's scans and has also sent us to the scheduling department at the hospital, for an EEG (non invasive brain wave study).  

I was glad I split the doctor appointments so he sees the other doc Monday, AND his blood pressure was very good today 108/80 today.  So he can keep taking the Norvasc for that.  No side effects, effective, and very cheap.  ALSO something he will need long term.  

He is snoring away, he is pretty wiped out.  I tried to take a nap but couldn't.  

In some ways I am very blessed.  A small example, I have a nice amount of bedding 3-4 nice fitted sheets for my bed, plenty of pillows, pillow cases, etc.  I could use more fitted sheets for Ron's bed as I am always changing it.  He eats in bed, etc. so I change it about twice a week.  I also have 2 nice handwoven bedspreads from Ikea, a nice quilt I have had for 20 years, etc. for my bed.

But this is about the bedspread.  I have one in rose it is woven by hand, I like the texture.  That one is fine but it is a little heavy for summer time and menopausal ladies.  I would never get rid of it, though.  The other one is natural unbleached cotton, hand woven, nice and light.  I recently took it out of storage and used it but it has a horrible stale odor.  I have it in the washer on soak (OK to launder) with some baking soda and a Tide POD.  When it's done I will hang it up on the shower curtain rod.  I had Greg mount it to the wall so it will be fine.  

Then I will do Ron's bedding.  I always keep one extra sheet for Ron which has worked pretty well.  But I can always use a few more.  

My aunt may have some for me, if so, I will take them.  If you want to send some standard twin fitted, I will take them.  NOT too proud.  

So I felt like today went well.  I may run to Walmart later and turn in the prescription.  Like I said, I'd rather have it in my possession.  

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