Monday, September 24, 2012

Thank you, TSA

You're probably gaping at your computer right now.  I mean it.

Monday, last week, the day I was due to leave, was crazy.  It culminated in me running around the house, wearing my jeans, looking for my bra, which I realized, to my horror, had been placed in the washer on "soak" cycle.  My good bra was packed.

So, I stood there, topless, begging God to please help me find a bra, because our ride is honking outside.  I found a grimy old bra I use for yard work - with an underwire.

The last time I flew, 3 years ago, security had a metal detector.  I was unsure what to expect.

I got to the airport, early, and much of it was the same as it had been 3 years ago.  Take off my shoes and jacket, place them in the bin.

However, the metal detector was gone, the scanner looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, and my medication gave me a roaring attack of the "stupids".  I could barely walk a straight line, much less figure out what was expected.

The TSA agents could not have been nicer.  I think I must have looked "Special" - they were all especially kind to me and went out of their way to patiently explain my requirements.  I got in the scanner.  I got scanned.  They had a poke at my money, to verify I hadn't hidden anything.

I went through and got my stuff back, all of it, and headed on through.

It wasn't just that, though.  Like I told Ron, TSA is the only thing keeping me from getting flown into a building.  I appreciate that.

If possible, I let every agent I met know I appreciated their service.  They were all completely shocked.

Now, that's sad.  "Thank You" should be an everyday fact of life for them.

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