Saturday, September 1, 2012

Joyful Noise

Once my Wellbutrin kicked in, I felt better.

We got some supplies at the warehouse and then went to work.  I didn't check the time, when I went to stock the soda in the TV room - and got pinned in there by the vicious employee who shouted at me, the last last time she caught me by myself.

I just focused on stocking, quickly and accurately.  If I hit a can on the sidebars, it would rupture.  I could hit my hand on the sidebar and bleed - awful.

She glared at me, but otherwise ignored me.  Suddenly, someone tapped me on my back.  "Excuse me, I have a problem".

I shut and locked the machine, and followed her.  Basically, she had trouble opening the door on the food machine.  I helped her get the bottle of water, had Ron demonstrate how to get the door, and she  went off happy.

I noticed the angry woman dragged her aside and interrogated her.  What was the problem? Did I help?  How I did I help?  Was she happy?

I just stood down the hall, helping Ron, going, thinking what?  And mind your own business, already.  However, I had nothing to fear, my customer was happy.

Ron loves my customer service and compliments me on a regular basis.   I was running.  I had to stock,  I had to help Ron with yet more accounting stuff.  Ron had loaned the business money, and wanted it back (who wouldn't?).  I had to manage all that, and did, well.

Ron even complimented me several times.  I was a good employee.  I was hardworking, etc.  I always like to hear it.

It got interesting when I was in my stockroom, which abuts the TV room.  I heard something.  It sounded like Lacrae, a very popular Christian rapper.  I decided I was hearing things, wishful thinking. Then I heard a distinctive motif - I knew that!

I walked into the TV room and saw people dancing on TV.  "That's Flame!  Joyful Noise!"  The employee turned around and stared at me, gaping.  "You know Flame?"  Oh, yeah, he's great... we chatted for a minute and she turned it up.

Of course, someone came in a few minutes later and changed the channel, but what a nice surprise.  I needed that.

We had a good ride home, and the van driver told me they can take the toll road now.  That makes life easier for everyone.

I ate some cottage cheese and a beef stick, took my lithium,  then took a nap.  I was exhausted.

It had looked like rain, which was verified by the sound of thunder during my nap.  I saw ThunderCat. He gets scared of "the thunders" and needs petting.  I woke up and petted him, then went back to sleep.

I had planned to mow the yard, but not with an electric mower, in the rain.  Looks like I have the rest of the day, off.

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