Sunday, September 16, 2012

All I want for birthday...

It's my birthday, Saturday.  I will spend most of the day flying, on an airplane of course!  

What would I like for my birthday?  Bibles.  That's really it.  Which Bible?  Any, really.  As long as it's in good condition.  

I want to work with a very delicate touch as I write.  I find it really surprising; most of my Bibles come from people I've never met.  

I get some from my church (praise God!), the rest from internet friends.  When they feel led, they buy whatever they feel led to buy and have it shipped to my house.  

Closer to home - nothing.  I find that really interesting.  Ron pays the bills - I get that.  He is "strapped".  

My aunt has gotten me plenty of Bibles, including surprises I didn't expect.  Thank you!  She helped reach a lot of people.  

When my birthday or Christmas arrives, here's a box from the rest - it might have some tracts, which I love, and.... other stuff.  I want to tell them, you don't have to shop, just get me a case of Bibles.  Get me one, cheap, evangelism paperback Bible.  I'll love it/them.  

The great thing as regards clutter - I don't keep them.  They go right out into the hands of the recipients.  I'd rather do a handout, than just about anything else.  

I have really been licking my lips over these:  

And, I'm running out of Spanish.  
I like this, in 12102 (the antique)  (But honestly, I will take ANY Bible in readable condition)

Purple, or antique.  These are GREAT for Handouts because they are very light and compact.  It is really easy to stuff 75 or so into a side pocket of my handout bag.

I can always, always, use these:  Invitations.  I have handed out thousands of these.  I would love a whole hand truck, if you win the lotto, please.  [grin]  

1 comment:

Jillian said...

It's your birthday on Saturday! Happy Birthday in advance! That just gave me a major jolt..I had it impressed on me to send you those Bibles this week. Maybe the Lord wanted you to have them as a birthday present!!
They may be a tad belated, as we just got hit with a massive vet bill so have to take care of that first (diabetic kitty plus colon issues = yeouch, but he's ok now.), but rest assured, they are coming!
God Bless.