Monday, September 3, 2012

Growing Kittens

Well, the new kitten is still here today; moved into the backyard.  She seems to be pretty happy.  She particularly likes to climb into empty, and full, flowerpots, making it look like I'm growing kittens.

She's still getting acquainted; so Ron and I aren't pushing it.  I don't want to get attached, if Bubba decides he hates her.  Bubba is the alpha cat.  She only stays if he agrees.

It was cute to watch them together, the little tabby fur ball following the big black cat, meowing ingratiatingly, submissive posture, like a little shadow.  If she can impress him, she'll stay.  She has a box in the yard, food, and water.

I caught Bubba watching her antics from underneath a parked, trash, car.  She had no idea he was there.

Ron loves her.  I talked him out of bringing her into the house; little kittens can have toilet issues, Bubba needs some time to adjust,  and we will need some more litter boxes if she moves in "permanent".  I'd want one in every room at first.

Assuming she stays.  Last year, about this time, we had a little black kitten.  He moved on after a few days.  I assume Bubba was involved.

I just heard joyous meowing as Ron went out.  Cute.  She's a talker, I'll have to make a video.

So, what am I doing on Labor Day?  Not much.  Still battling some depression.  I need to clean up the front room and do up some Bibles.

Ideally, I'd like every Bible to be done up and ready for handout.  When I want to do a handout, I could just go.  I also need to clean up the front room.

Sometimes I bring stuff home and just drop it near the door, I forget to put it away, or I'm not sure where to put it, and it accumulates.  It's a clutter magnet, basically.  So, I work on it pretty frequently.

I also need to strip the bed and wash the sheets.  Ideally, I need to mow the yard.

I also need a nap, and something to eat, and my lithium in there - but no lithium before I mow the yard. "Don't drive or operate heavy equipment".  Yeah, really.

It's hot and sunny, my neighbors look like they're about to have a party, so I'd probably better get to bed for my nap.

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