Monday, September 17, 2012

Lithium bladder action

Ron told me he was up most of the night.  He came and got a cuddle, reminded me of Bubba, a little.  He even laid down in Bubba's spot!

He left eventually, the inevitable lithium bladder action ran him off.  I'd rather pee every half hour, than be manic.  Ron got a little tired of moving.  I'm glad we have different bedrooms.

One thing I loved about the lithium from the start - it turned off the noise in my head.  I never knew my head was so noisy!

You know I have plenty of meds, if I get stuck in Florida for some reason.  I can always go to the super Walmart and get a refill.

I didn't see the kitten all night - good, I need to sleep.  I did, pretty well.  I will try to sleep on the plane, but it's doubtful.  I'll probably have a nice caffeine buzz until about 1 AM tomorrow, and crash.  It helps that my baseline, right now, is manic.

I was worried I'd cycle depressed on my visit - I still might, but at least today I'm OK, and I can't take tomorrow for granted any way.  None of us can.

When I got up, the kitten was lying on Ron's right shoulder, pressed up against his face.  Whatever you might think about Ron (and I know he can be emotionally abusive), he adores that kitten.  He was gently petting her, and told he he hadn't moved in hours.

Any man who gives a damn, because he hears a small, crying, desperate kitten - who wants to feed it and love it.  Who says "I want to pet it!"  - is a good man overall.

I think his history combined with the head injury can make him a real treat at times, but the other night Ron came and apologized to me.  I believe the Holy Spirit convicted him of his behavior.  I see that happening more in his life.

I think it will be good for him to miss me, to see everything I do in his life, and just to live without my attention.  Sure, we can talk on the phone, but it's not the same.

He's going to miss me.  I'm glad he has the kitten.

1 comment:

Beak said...

Rawn should treat you the way he treats the kitten!