Sunday, September 9, 2012

One more handout!

Good news: the new cat is working out VERY well.  She and Bubba are good friends, playing nicely, greeting each other, and sharing their food.  It warms my heart, even when my fickle Bubba comes dragging home at 6 AM to crash into bed (he was still in bed when I got home, from church, at 2).   Ron didn't see him last night, either.  

Not so good: hives today.  Ah, retro persecution- like when I had the hives back in 2009.  Happily, I have my doctor's wonderful class 3 steroid cream and my benadryl.

I'm guessing it was wheat.  I had a sandwich for lunch - so no wheat until I'm off to Florida, AND you can bet I'm taking my steroid cream.

We had a good time at church, Ron even sang a little.  They talked some about the rapture before the sermon, and I kept thinking "One more handout, Lord!"  Every other Christian I know is screaming to go, and I'm asking for another handout!  I have to laugh at myself, especially when my computer began playing "Paradise City" during the last sentence.

"Won't you please take me home?"

One thing I love about my church - they are very supportive of the Handouts.  It is nice to go somewhere, and have people understand my calling.  I am called to this.  God put it into me when He made me.  They get that.

I am always happy to have people pray for the recipients and the unreached!  That may be you, may not, but I'm praying good things for you.

Ron told me once I should clarify, because some might think I am praying "Lord please smite this sinner, and may Your hellfires burn if he rejects you."  No way.  I pray for good communication (in all relationships, who doesn't need that?), a hunger for God's truth, a desire to read the Bible, guidance to the proper passages, etc.  I think it's really important to have a nice, long, list.

Most people are covered under multiple categories on my prayer list.  Someone may be a government employee, and also unreached.  They get both.  Someone may be a leader or administrator, and a "bad guy" - so they get covered under both.   Someone may be a missionary, and persecuted, you get the idea.

I also have some general requests for everyone worldwide.  You know what I like?  90% of this post is positive, even though I want to claw the skin off one arm and thigh.  That's a good thing.

I hope you had a good weekend!  I'll be praying for you!

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