Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday morning

 I slept OK last night and did not wake up ONCE.  I also slept over 10 hours which I guess I needed; did wake up with a headache.  Paint fumes, I am guessing, although I used this brand extensively 2 years ago with no problems.  Maybe they reformulated, or the amount of pigment in the paint (they put a lot as you can tell) affected it.  Or maybe I am just more sensitive.  At any rate I am glad this all happened after Ron died.  He had chemical sensitivity and would have been in hell.  

My Lemon Pie/Excedrin/Mountain Dew combo worked well.  I still have some tension and pain but it is bearable.  My hands are shaking, though, from the caffeine.  

Oh, I did my experiment with the lactose free milk and I am FINE I CAN DRINK IT.  So that is really good to know.  I love milk and basically lived on it my teenage years.  So I made a decaf cafe au lait this morning, the house smells nice, like coffee.  

I did my shower this morning.  The hot oil treatment on Monday was a bust, it did nothing for my hair in fact made it worse... so I am sticking with my 2 in 1 Garnier Fructis shampoo with a chaser of Fructis conditioner on the ponytail/ends part.  That makes for reasonably nice hair.  And it is easy to do.  I shower, rinse my hair, squeeze the water out, apply conditioner, put it up in a clip, bathe everything else, let it down and rinse it for 15 seconds.  Works great.  So I will keep doing that.  Happily the hair care stuff is affordable.  And easy.  

So I got out and figured I had forgotten to do the lye treatment on my bathtub drain this month, I had better go ahead and do that.  So I did, put on the rubber cleaning gloves (up the elbow) and poured about 1/3 bottle down the drain.  I also cleaned the toilet a little.  I didn't scrub it but put some solution in the bowl and used the scrubber, let that sit a while and then flushed it when I flushed the drain.  

I got dressed, bootcut jeans and a t-shirt.  I can move furniture in that, these will be my "yardwork" jeans.  I have plenty of regular jeans for work but have decided to use these for heavy labor type jobs, like today, moving the furniture.  Also gardening if I ever get back into that.  

Of course during the summer I can wear my trusty elastic waist shorts.  Those have been great for me, for years, during the summer.  Loose, comfortable, modest-ish.  I can wear them out in public without showing half a buttcheek like most of the shorts today.  

Even if I wanted that look it would not be good with me at an 18W.  I don't want to look "available" like I am looking for a man.  If there is going to be a man in my life I would rather he meet me looking like I normally do.  That way he would have reasonable expectations for the future.  Anyway, not looking for a guy.  

There was a guy at work who was very kind to me and helped me out of a bind on more than one occasion, when others would not, but I don't believe he is saved so that's a no-go.  And I am not interested.  I appreciate what he did, though, and I don't forget things like that but I don't have hopes.  Besides I really do not want to date at work.  I had a good result meeting Ron at work but I believe it can go wrong easily and turn very messy with me losing my job perhaps.  I don't want that.  I hate searching for a job a lot more than I hate being alone.  

And that is the good thing I am getting better at being alone.  I could use more love in my life, in general, but family love and a few work friendships are OK.  

So my guy showed up around 9 and is hard at work laying the flooring.  He agreed to hang the curtain and "do" the switchplate/outlet covers so I am happy.  It will look great, I'm sure.  The curtains are navy.  I will have either the bed, or the table, under the window so the cats can get up in the window to look out.  They really enjoyed doing that when Ron was alive.  His window offers a great view of the entire back yard.  I have a nice teal/turquoise chest I will put in there too, extra twin bedding will live there.  Once or twice my aunt didn't feel well when she came to visit and it would have been nice to offer her a place to lie down.  That's really the only use I envision unless a cat has an accident in my bed in the middle of the night and I just move beds so I can get my sleep without spending 2 hours doing laundry.  I don't plan on having overnight guests but it is nice to have the option.  I also plan to make a "nest" of pillows so I can hang out and read my tablet or whatever.  We will see.  It gives me more choices.  

Remember this room has been literally closed off from the house for nearly a year, so it's like getting a whole new room back.  I didn't tell the workers it's where Ron died I don't think that would be fair or kind.  And it's not their business, anyway.  It sure looks a lot better now.  I wish I could have fixed it up when he was alive but it would have been too much disruption, and with his problems he really needed the same routine every day.  Not having to move and all that entailed, the noise, etc.  Remember this?  It was horrendous and very traumatizing for us both.  So no, we never wanted to do any work when he was alive.  Doing the work meant "cleaning Ron out" for good so I was reluctant.  But I am glad I am doing it.  I think I will have fun with the room.  

My room is small enough that I can really only have the bed and dresser in there.  Orange room has exercise bike (candy operation will move to Ron's room).  So that takes up a lot.  I also plan to put a few kettlebells in there.  Ron's room can have candy operation and a reading nook, I envision.  

One thing I do like, my house has the same colors.  Some rooms have more of one color but all rooms have turquoise, purple, orange, some navy.  I like that, it is bright and cheerful in here.  Before it was all horrible bland beige.  Which is fine for some people but not me.  I don't plan to sell the house, I can go ahead and have bright colors.  I like that.  

I am dying to go peek but I don't want to bug him.  I will wait until he's done.  #6 has been doing work the last few days.  One thing was pouring more concrete around their driveway.  I guess her SUV is wider than the home builders envisioned when they built the subdivision.  Some kind of compressor going now;/ I really don't care but the cats probably ran out and now outside is scary, too.  I feel bad for that.  

I did coax them in the room last night with a few treats.  They were very hesitant.  Dad said probably because it didn't smell like Ron anymore which made me sad, but I didn't say anything.  But it just smells like paint in there now.  

That's it for now, plenty of photos later... dying to look!  Won't be a pest!  


Anonymous said...

We all remember when Ron urinated on the floor in front of the workers and started playing porn on his talking book really loud. It was terrible and awful. When you do go about finding a man remember just because they claim salvation does not mean they are a decent and good person. Ron is an example of that as he mentally abused you for decades until he was finally bed bound.

Heather Knits said...

My favorite was actually screaming and delusional they were cutting his leg. [sigh] The one guy was ready to walk off the job.

You will notice I am not looking for anyone, I may never. Or God may send someone. But I am not looking I'm going to have to trip over the guy.

God has sent some nice, happily married, men to help me out like the contractor just now, the guy who fixed my front door after Ron died, etc. Guys like that really do take care of the widow and God knows I appreciate it.

I just need to get used to being on my own (with the cats).

Anonymous said...

Ten hours of sleep is too much! Google how much sleep is too much and you will see why.

Heather Knits said...

I think it's the medication, all of it causes hand tremor, fatigue, dry mouth. But many days I wake up after 6 hours ready to go.