Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Battling the headache all day

 It sucks because I had plans for today, cooking and cleaning.  I will figure it out.  

My aunt is about ready to list her house I am hoping for a bidding war and $50K over asking, that would be awesome if she could pay off the new house with whatever she makes from this one.  

All my bills are paid: I have cell phone and internet come out at the end of the month.  Charity stuff will have to wait a few weeks (I already did the Feb. debits).  I have a little left, I will have to see where we go tomorrow.  I would like to go to Ikea and Food Town (FT to get more lemon pies).  She also plans to give my hair a trim.  My ends are pretty bad.  

My mood is OK considering.  I am not getting sucked into petty neighbor war crap over nothing.  It's just not worth it.  I am sure they hate the cats running around.  

I'm going to go check the mail.  I never got last year's refund maybe it will be in the box.  Nope, got my card (will have fun with the money at Ikea tomorrow!) and a very confusing letter from the electric company.  

I never got a bill, and my computer died, so my aunt paid the bill.  Now I get a letter from the company asking me to set up auto pay.  So did the bill get paid?  Do I want to do auto pay?  And off what?  The debit card?  I will talk to my aunt tomorrow.  

Times like this I can feel the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affects me.  I am confused, but I'll sort it out.  I also got my credit card statement and the water bill, but I still have money on that account so not worried.  Those are both paid, bottom line.  

I think I am going to go ahead and make my rice so I can take my medication.  

Only I 😂 could lose a 5 pound bag of rice in my kitchen.  I had some in my canister but I used it up; I needed to refill the canister which I keep on the counter along with a canister of lentils.  I found it in the bottom cabinet.  It has a shelf in the back and it was on the shelf.  But I got it.  

So I made a pilaf with some mixed veggies, and some chopped kale.  A little bouillon powder finished it.  The powder does have msg in it but I think I will be OK.  So I will have rice and cooked veggies for dinner.  I like having the chopped kale I can just put it in anything.  

I want to have my medication on board.  My faith carries me; but God also gave me medication.  Today is not at all what I had planned but I can do it tomorrow.  Thank God for the rice pot, that makes it easy.  

My dinner should be ready about the time I finish my phone call with my parents.   

Talked to them, ate my rice.  It is pretty good with some chopped kale and mixed veggies in it.  An easy way to get a lot of veggies.  I have plenty left.  I am just waiting for it to cool before I put it in the fridge.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Hi heather, I hope you are feeling better now.
I wish you a good rest of the week. God bless you :)

Heather Knits said...

It's better now, if I am honest I will admit I am a little resentful I lost my day off.