Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday night

 I did not sleep well last night but got up and went to work.  

Work was pretty busy.  

First bus to go home was late, then we picked up a manic guy shouting about immolating people, gutting people and eating them, shoving people through a glass window, etc. screaming all this at the top of his lungs.  I looked out the window and tried not to pay attention.  

If you have ever wondered why I pay for rides wonder no more.  He got off where I did but did not catch the same bus.  I decided to get off early, at the cell phone store, and set up my new debit card.  I did that, got a little takeout snack, and went to a grocery store where I got 3 bags of food for $20.  That's a good deal especially in these times, and I mainly got protein (meats).  I also got a jar of Jamaican curry I am not sure how that is different from regular curry, but it was only a dollar and change so I will find out.  

It took me about an hour to do all my business in the strip mall; then back to the bus stop.  The ground turkey chubs were pretty heavy.  I love ground turkey and you can't beat the price.  I can do a lot with that.  

The bus was right on time and I rode to my stop, got off, hauled all my crap the half mile home.  I put away the meat but had some problem with frozen chubs of meat falling out of the freezer at me.  So I took out the ice tray for the automatic ice maker, which isn't working anyway, and filled in the space with frozen meat.  Now about half the freezer is frozen meat which I think is ideal.  I also have some rotisserie chicken left in there too.  

So don't worry about my food budget, I make it stretch!  I also do a little shopping tomorrow after work before I come home.  

I also got some turkey sausage, mis cut bacon, and chorizo ($1.29) to go with my eggs I will have a meat lover's feast on my day off.  I hope the bacon works for me, I didn't look too close at it once I saw it was $2.47 for 12 ounces.  Worst case I can use it for flavoring beans.  

By that time it was about time to call my Dad, so I called him.  We talked a while.  After we hung up I had a glass of milk and a few cookies with my medication, I wasn't hungry after eating the takeout.  The takeout was not enough, on it's own, to hold my medication but the milk will be, I've done it before.  I need to get more milk, by the way.  It's on the list.  

I am debating buying washer tablets or just using vinegar.  I was told I could use 1/2 cup vinegar to clean the washer if I didn't have a tablet.  I have used the tablets pretty consistently since we bought the washer, though.  I'll tell you what I did tomorrow.  

The cats are good, fat and happy.  I have not seen Spotty but I am sure he's fine.  Probably out hunting.  It is supposed to rain tomorrow.  Another good reason to get a ride home.  

And I'm not kidding about that guy on the bus, he was mental.  

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