Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday Morning

 Well the weather WAS really nasty today.  I was glad I had rides each way.  I turned up the heat last night and I am generally pretty tight fisted so you know it got cold.  Pipes and all are fine.  I did not sleep well woke up a few times, once with digestive issues.  Not sure where that came from.  I did eat a McD double cheeseburger for lunch (had my usual sandwich for dinner) so maybe that was it.  

Also Doc would give the speech about digestive side effects with lithium (generally uncommon for me) so that may also be a factor.  

When I did sleep it was fine.  I had a dream someone gave me a wheelbarrow of good dirt mixed with mulched leaves (a good thing) for my garden last night.  

I was thinking about the vaccine.  I have had 2 of them.  My parents were extraordinarily concerned about my health; getting sick possibly and begged me (they never beg) to get it on several occasions.  My un-vaxed state was causing them tremendous anxiety.  So I got it; they feel a lot better.  I would not have done it just for me, but did for them.  I am OK with my decision even if it causes trouble down the road (it hasn't so far, aside from a mild allergy cough for a few weeks).  What you do is up to you but I got it for them.  Not to protect them or any of that.  Not because I worried about getting them sick (they are vaxed) but mentally they were very concerned.  Everyone in my family, except my brother the survivalist, are very happy I did it.  He was quite upset I had and said the whole virus/vaccine was a plot to kill off the elderly.  

Bro, I'm not elderly.  I'm middle aged.  So I would be OK anyway.  I am going to get started on the clothes.   

Forgot I had to start the neckbones!  So I did that.  I have a small crock pot so I could only fit 2 pounds, I had to put leftovers in the freezer.  Then I had to do dishes.  So that's done.  

Went outside to take out the trash and found my trim piece lying in the yard.  It was too big for the porch.  It is fine, I put it in the orange room with the rest of the flooring and tools.  It is funny I only need 24 inches but I had to order 7 feet worth.  Oh well I can keep the leftovers in the garage along with my "Bourbon Barrel" leftovers from a couple years ago.  

I took a peek at some tables last night, they have a 2 by 4 foot folding table that looks ideal.  It is white and I would have preferred black but it will work for my purposes, and I can always put a tablecloth on it.  It was about $40.  I need to talk to my aunt and get her opinion: would it be better to buy myself a desk chair for here (my desk) and move the current chair (black, folding) into the room or just buy another folder and do that?  She may even have something she can give me as she is moving.  

Biscuit keeps getting up in my lap for petting, and is currently perched on the printer.  I cover it with a blanket to keep the cat hair out as it is popular cat seating.  I have been pushing the cats away sometimes when they come to me for affection and I need to stop doing that.  Their lives have been heaved upside down, Ron died, I am gone at work a lot, etc.  So if he wants an hour of petting on my day off he will get it.  It's bound to be good for his immune system.  

So I need to do laundry, sweep, and mop.  Then I am done and I don't need to do any housework before the workers come (well, put some bottled water in the fridge).  I like that idea.  

Theoretically I could do it on one of my work days coming up, they are only 5 hours each but I have to take the bus home and that is 2 hours.  So that's 8 hours and I will not want to sweep, mop, laundry after that.  

Better get going on laundry.    So I got the laundry going, cleaned out the last of Ron's room (I had some stuff in the closet I put in the garage; I also need to bag up the bedding, put that in laundry room, put mattress away and fold up bed frame but that can wait).  I also swept the floor, now I just need to mop; I have muddy paw prints everywhere.  I also did my Bible Study.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

How can you have had 3 miscarriages when Ron was fixed before you met him?

Heather Knits said...

It's not always foolproof, and the further, I read, out from the surgery the higher the rate of failure (pregnancy). I believe it was 1% a year. So at this point Ron was 20-30 years out from his surgery... possible.