Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thursday morning

 I slept OK, didn't wake up, maybe the Valerian root helped?  I don't know.  I did sleep, got up, used the bathroom and found my visitor had come.  

Happily not a crime scene, just enough to let me know I had to get out my supplies.  So I will have to deal with that at work.  Will it be heavy like last month?  Moderate as it has been lately?  I don't know.  I will bring a little of everything and see how that goes.  

I think I will also take some Advil that helps with a heavy flow.  I read about that online and tried it, it helped a lot.  I don't really care how it comes out if I am at home on a day off; I do care if I am at work with limited access to the bathroom.  

Enough about that.  The cats are good, a couple of them slept with me which was nice.  My aunt texted me she already has 7 people coming to look at her house.  If things were different I would put up her listing, it's a really nice house, but I don't want that information out there.  

I need to take my shower.   Did that.  

I need to figure out some sort of Spotty time.  He wants attention when I can't give it to him.  

Feeling depressed and anxious today... I am just leaving the whole day up to God because I feel empty.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a good thing to do. And remember how
much he loves you and that he is watching over
you always.