Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday; aka My Friday Night

 I just wake up tired every morning.  Is it my medication?  Am I malnourished?  Is it "just" depression?  I don't know.  Probably all of it.  I do know Ron's computer began yakking loudly about 2 AM for some reason, not really happy about that and PC is getting TURNED OFF every night.  If it yaks at me with no power I will move out!  Later on I woke up on my own, later yet I woke up again and Spotty was thrilled to see me, got on my chest for petting.  He likes a good scratch behind the ears, I discovered.  We had a good time.  But I woke up exhausted.  

It wasn't a bad day, though.  I got to work.  I was told the company will no longer require a mask for vaccinated employees starting "in a few weeks" and "All this" (waving his hand at the screening room) "Is going away too" so I guess I will just walk in the store like a regular customer now.  I do plan to keep wearing a mask, though.  I didn't get sick all year riding the bus AND working at Walmart, with pretty heavy customer contact, so I don't want to mess that up.  

I did my weekly shopping after work, I noticed some shortages but not in anything I wanted to buy.  I'd brought my reusable tote bags so it was very easy to bag them myself (I did self check).  I got a cab ride home, I had given him a general idea when I'd be done so he waited in the area.  

I got home and put away the perishables.  I had set up my henna before I left the house, I mixed some powdered henna with vinegar and boiling water to make a paste.  When I got home I squeezed some lemon juice into it and applied it to my hair.  I wore an old t-shirt and a poncho.  I made a mess but I got my ponytail pretty saturated.  Then I put the ponytail into a plastic bag and secured it with one of my hair elastics.  It has stayed on for several hours.  

Let me see if I can get you a photo.  Nope, you will get one Wednesday.  It takes a while for the color to age anyway (a couple days).  So my hair is draggy and I pulled it back so tight it gave me a headache, but it should be worth it.  And I will get better at this the more I do it, but I shouldn't need to do it again for another month or two.  It is only the ponytail not the actual head - although I found I did get some on other parts of my hair... but it dried out so it should affect me much.  And I had to wipe down pretty well with a wet washcloth as I had henna on my neck, arms, and hands, even with the gloves.  We will see.  

I plan to rinse my hair in about half an hour, apply conditioner, leave it a few minutes while I do a quick body scrub, and rinse it out... then leave it.  I plan to do a hot oil treatment maybe tomorrow or Tuesday after the work is done, not sure.  I have the oil.  Coconut and olive... some lavender essential oil as well that will make it nice... leave that under a shower cap (have that) for a few hours and then wash out.  My hair hopefully will look very nice on Wednesday for the photos.  

The nice thing about doing it this way I am not as pressured to redo it.  It doesn't matter if it has grown out a little before my next application, it's not around my face.  And henna just never looked good around my face but I loved it on the ponytail.  And one thing you can bet Walmart does not care what I do to my hair.  I have more than one coworker with pink hair, and 2 managers have unnatural streaks in their hair.  Walmart picks it's battles and has figured out hair/tats don't matter as long as we work hard, don't steal, and are good to the customers.  

So that was pretty much my day.  I bought a lunch bag that matches the tote bag I use daily (black and white, both of them).  I like it but it was $15 so having some doubts about it.  I will think about it a few days, I haven't cut any tags off and won't until I am 100% committed to owning it.  

That's it for now.. 

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