Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Very early Tuesday

 I guess I am excited about the work; I woke up at 1:30.  I go to sleep OK most nights and get what I would call a good quality of sleep, just not always the duration I would like.  Two work nights I made it a point to get over 9 hours of sleep each night and woke up exhausted.  I woke up today after about 5? hours and wide awake and ready to go.  I don't pretend to understand.  

I did take out the trash and do the litter boxes.  I am phasing in Tidy Cats as that seems to be more available and I am happy with the performance in the box.  It seems just as good as the Scoop Away or Fresh Step.  So I scooped all the waste, topped it off, and even added some of my Arm & Hammer litter box freshener (it is basically a baking soda with fragrance added, it does a good job on keeping the box fresh when company is coming).  Especially since I stored all the flooring in the orange room next to a litter box.  I don't want the guys gagging.  So that's all done.  I took it out (very quietly as it is 4 AM).  I have cold drinks in the fridge, I have cash available (for a tip) and the checkbook to pay them when they're done.  I don't want to take cash or equivalents out of the hidey hole in front of the guys.  They are good spots and I want to keep them private (my aunt knows).  

I will turn down the heat so they won't roast, doing the work, but have gotten the thermostat down to 75 and been OK with that.  Ron liked it around 80 for years (I think due to his anemia) so it is an adjustment.  But it will save me money, and, in the summer, I will keep it up around 80 so the AC isn't running all the time.  That worked fine last summer the bills were reasonable.  

I never got my electric bill this month.  I will need to set up an account but that can wait for next month (online I mean).  I asked my aunt to cover the bill out of the estate money which can definitely do that.  It is not hard to pay online, I have done it twice, I just don't have the account number as I don't have the bill!  Probably went to a neighbor and they threw it out.  Booo.  

The cats are good, they are sleeping.  I fed them and Biscuit just spent some time in my lap, purring.  I am a little cold so I will put on a hoodie, as I plan to turn the thermostat down even more.  It should be a nice day though.

Now it's Spotty's turn.  They are so cute.  That's it for now.  

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