Saturday, February 26, 2022

Two days in one, again

 Friday night I had an ill customer come up on me and required help.  When I got home I spent my blog time emptying out my pockets and washing everything I had worn.  I didn't sleep well but I did get a good nap just now when I got home from work Saturday.  

Work was OK both nights.  I didn't have a problem with the one associate, apparently I am "on" again and in her good graces which I will enjoy as long as I have them.  

Today was busy, I don't mind that.  I had a disabled customer, he had a shuffle as he walked and was very, extremely, profane.  He stole something and his wife said it was "Walmart's fault".  They were very abusive to me and I was nothing but nice to them, thinking how hard it is to care for a disabled loved one.  They repaid it poorly.  

I got out on time.  It was raining and very cold so I took the cab home, don't regret that.  I took a 2 hour nap which was great.  That would have been my commute time.  

My stomach has been irritating me the last few days.  Not "I'm getting sick from the guy I encountered the other night" but just "Damn those meds are irritating".  I wonder how many patients on my medication cocktail end up with ulcers.  

My job is not stressful enough I've got stomach trouble, but I have had stomach issues since I started my regime back in 2006.  I will figure it out.  I am taking probiotics.  

I had 3-4 cats in my bed during the nap, they weren't going out in the weather.  I checked the mail when I got up (wearing my sweats and an oversized tshirt, with my slip on shoes and a jacket).  I had some junk mail, including an "Extremely Urgent" letter addressed to Ron I could tell was from a Home Warranty company.  

The way I see it if home warranties were any good they wouldn't need to trick people into signing up.  I also got a letter from the Harris County Tax Assessor.  I was a little worried about that, opened it up, it is a letter to "Estate of Ron ___ and Heather ___". saying I don't owe them anything.  What a waste.  I will give it to my aunt.  

Apparently the Tax Assessor hasn't yet figured out Ron's estate left me the house and I am the sole legal owner.  I'm sure they will, eventually.  

I finished the laundry.  Last night I took everything off when I got home, emptied the pockets, and washed it all on the spot as I did not want to catch whatever made that man vomit.  I dried my vest and jacket last night but the rest of it still had to take a run through the dryer.  So that's happening now.  

I have also felt colder than I would like, lying in bed, so I got out my extra blanket and washed it.  It is waiting to go in the dryer.  It is polyester so it should dry pretty quick.  

Did I ever tell you the story of the time Ron set his hair on fire?  We lived in CA, this was about 1993.  We had an upstairs neighbor with a new baby.  The baby cried all night (as they do) and that really sort of sealed it for me that I did not want my own infant.  We had to move the bed into the living room.  We had a cheap polyester blanket that had a lot of fuzzballs.  We had gotten up and dressed.  Ron had gotten ahold of a little weed and had his pipe and lighter in his pocket (I was never interested in pot).  

I noticed Ron had a lot of lint balls in his hair from the blanket so I sat behind him on the bed and began plucking them.  Ron got a little offended.  All of a sudden Ron's hair erupted in flames!  I screamed and he began slapping at it.  

He had a big ugly comb over and it was burned to a cinder.  Ashes everywhere.  The apartment STANK.  

I asked Ron what had happened and he said he thought he would spook me by flicking the lighter near my fingers as I plucked the lint.  But it backfired and caught the comb over on fire.  He had to take a shower, wash his clothes, and open a window but we got the stench out.  Then he looked at his hair.  No more comb over!  What was he going to do?   

I told him to brush it straight back and he did that, the next day at work everyone complimented his hair so he continued doing that right up until he died.  

I will say, I laughed so hard I wet myself, once I knew he was OK.  

That's it for now.  

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