Saturday, March 3, 2018

A quick thought

I need to work on my bitterness towards Ron's family. 


Anonymous said...

I call that Holy conviction.

Heather Knits said...

Well, there's always an issue needs work. I have done pretty good forgiving others involved in the accident (including the driver), but need more work on Ron's family. I just have a hard time believing people who said they loved him could dump him like a dog turd.

Anonymous said...

"I call that Holy conviction." Shut up you moron. Ron's family are a bunch of evil nit wits. For gods sake the mother DIED and they did NOT have the courtesy to tell Ron about the funeral so he could make the choice to go or not. They can suck it and I hope they reap what the have sown.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Heather gives you platform to insult people.
Heather you decide and I'll quit reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

You aren't insulting me it's GOD that you hate. I just represent him.

Anonymous said...

Oh the "quoting" GOD HATER. We "get it" already...