Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Move and countermove

Sometimes I think life is a grand chess game of spiritual warfare, move and counter move.  Othertimes, I don't.  Today was one where I felt it "was". 

I didn't sleep well.  I couldn't sleep, and then I woke up, wide awake, at some Godforsaken hour.  I finally went back to sleep and the alarm went off.  Very groggy all day. 

We went to Sam's Club.  We needed to buy some supplies.  Our ride there was fine but, while there, "the system went down".  That resulted in us waiting over an hour for our ride to work, and having to change our ride home from work to a later time. 

We got to work and I had to deal with a difficult customer.  I also had a lot of work to do (not great sales, unfortunately, just 20 different things all going at once).. 

We finally got out of there and came home.  I was exhausted.  I had planned, after I got home, to take a cab and go do a Bible Handout.  I decided against that and took a nap. 

I asked God to give me a sign what to do when I woke up; I woke up with a headache.  So I am waiting on the Handout until tomorrow.  I guess the Devil wins today. 

Boy, I know this will inflame one commenter but this is how I see life.  Spiritual warfare, move and counter move. 

You notice none of this had to do with Ron.  Well, only peripherally. 

The cats are good, Torbie and Biscuit slept with me.  I heard some construction noise on the house behind me but they stopped pretty early on.  That house, we'll call it "Back #7" (because I have a #7 house out front), lost most of it's roof during Hurricane Ike.  It seems to me most of the houses that got roof repairs back then had problems with bad workmanship and cheap materials.  For instance, #2, also lost their roof, have had a series of ongoing roof repairs over the last 10 years.  Thank God we bought a quality roof installed when we bought the house, so we haven't had any problems since.  When the roof fails, we will absolutely go with the same company again.  It has stood up to epic flood rains on several occasions, not to mention a couple of hurricanes and innumerable thunderstorms.  A good roof is really important; I'm glad we have one.  I can't tell you what I felt looking at all the destroyed roofs around me through the window, then going outside and looking around, finding our roof was perfect!  It took me a while to get rid of all the roofing shingles in my yard, though. 

I try to practice gratitude.  Thank you, for a good roof, Lord. 

Now I need to figure out dinner.  Ron didn't want to go anywhere so I need to dig something out of the fridge.  I think I'll give the Tylenol a little longer to work before I eat. 

Of course I will want to be careful selecting what I eat so I don't get another headache tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

Moron here 😀 I think you are right it's spiritual warfare. I get sucked into arguments so easy and that's why I never will join Facebook. Sorry to hijack your blog.

Anonymous said...

It is NOT spiritual warfare. Your bibles do nothing to change the behavior of anyone. Look at ron a professed christian and yet.... so on the other days you have had headaches the devil wasn't involved but on the day you have a headache which happens to fall on a day when you were going to do a handout for bibles it is the devil attacking you? Can you see why this is so annoying and how anything can be attributed to god or the devil with this mindset?

Anonymous said...

"Thank you, for a good roof, Lord." Actually your decision to not get the cheapest roof you could buy is why you have a good roof. God had nothing to do with it. Now if you didn't bother with shingles on your roof and you had holes in it and magically did not get rain in your house I could accept this premise that god gave you a good roof. Though it is a shame he screwed over others with bad roofs - I wonder what they did to deserve that - besides not being willing or able to spend more on a roof.

Heather Knits said...

No, they went with the lowest bidders, the cheapest and the quickest. Better to have some blue tarps (that's what they do in Houston) on the roof for a while and wait on a quality contractor. But they went with the "quick", cheap, guys and had problems. That was their choice. Now, #7, across the street, waited and has never had any problems that I know of. The other houses have not. #2, in particular, is so bad I am almost tempted to ask the landlady who they used so I will NEVER use them. I wouldn't trust them to repair the catio. It also helps to cultivate good contractors before need, we have a good handyman and I am sure the guys from the church would be happy to help with small to medium repairs.

Heather Knits said...

Spiritual warfare is real and does exist. It's one of those, either you believe it or you don't issues. If you don't believe I can't convince you. I will say that I do pray for your (and everyone's) protection from demonic attacks, every day. That's one reason I feel so horrible if I miss my God Time, I feel I have a sacred duty to pray good things for everyone, everyday. It is my contribution to the battle. That, and the Handouts.