Wednesday, March 7, 2018

All done with the handout


Anonymous said...

Do you know how many calories is in that shake you had? Why are you doing this to yourself?

Heather Knits said...

Yes, after running up and down a median for an hour and a half I figured I deserved it. I won't be eating dinner, just maybe some yogurt, and that's it for the day. I call it my "Big meal" - I will have a big meal, often around lunch, take my pills with it, and then eat very lightly the rest of the day. I am still down over 10 # from what I was in January so I felt/feel OK about it. I am more chagrined about the two Diet Dr Peppers I drank, along with 2 quarts of diet iced tea: I am trying to avoid aspartame. Didn't do a good job of that today.