Saturday, March 3, 2018

35 minutes

We got our ride and went to the warehouse.  I bought what we needed, Ron slumped in his chair, his head in his arms.  He said he didn't sleep last night with back pain, and "the vodka didn't work". 

Jack came and took us to work.  Ron decided he didn't want to work a full day and told me to stop working, we were going home now or "You can pay for your own cab".  I told him I hadn't finished: he didn't care. 

So we took a cab home.  It was a pretty uneventful ride.  Except at the end, when the driver pushed the button to open the back hatch, and the wheelchair fell out on the ground.  The wheelchair was fine. 

Ron called one of his cab drivers for more alcohol.  He will be coming pretty soon. 

I laid down for a nap.  I was tired from all the physical labor.  I fell asleep. 

Ron woke me up screaming my name.  He was furious.  He was in the computer room, trying to find his bed.  I told him where he was and he went to bed. 

Then he told me he lost his (brand new) phone.  He demanded I find it.  I told him no, it was his phone, and he lost it.  He bitched at me for a while and then passed out. 

I tried to go back to sleep but that wasn't happening, and it was pretty close to when I planned to wake up anyway. 

Still pretty pissed at Ron.  I know he wanted to stay home and fall into the bottle, so, when he asked if I wanted - still wanted - to go out tonight I was contrary and said yes I did.  He finally fell asleep in the bedroom.  But, if he wants his vodka, he'll have to wake up in 35 minutes. 


Anonymous said...

Pack a bag and leave

Anonymous said...

" I know he wanted to stay home and fall into the bottle, so, when he asked if I wanted - still wanted - to go out tonight I was contrary and said yes I did."

So the enabling by dear Heather continues. I know let he get even more plastered so he can vomit at the table while you eat. That would be an excellent idea. Secretly I think you like the alcoholic Ron. I think you like having some kind of drama in your life. Why else would you ALLOW someone to be verbally abusive to you all day and then go out to eat with them? I think since Ron won't go to counseling that you should book yourself a few appointments to see how sick what you are doing truly is.

Heather Knits said...

It takes a lot more than 2 shots to make him vomit. Come to think he's only puked a few times in all the time I knew him. Thank God for that.

As I see it, he wasn't abusive all day. He was, off and on, but it wasn't steady. Some of that goes to head injury. Some of that goes to alcohol. Some of that goes to Ron himself. But he has to answer to God for that.

I won't respond to your other attacks. I do find it interesting that readership drops dramatically when Ron is sweet and loving, not drinking much, and things are going well. Apparently plenty of readers like the drama.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Heather. All of it goes to Ron himself. Viewership probably goes up when Ron is Bad because it is so infuriating to read, readers hate seeing you take this from him over and over and over again. When he is "sweet and loving" we really don't believe it because usually those posts come on the heels of a Bad Ron post like you are trying to turn around our view of him or somethjng. The only thing that could get people's opinion to change on him is if he went to rehab and came back fully and 100% sober and you stopped being a codependent. I mean none of these comments in a mean way. I am praying for you that you get out of this situation whether you leave or he gets help. One of the two. Hugs.

Heather Knits said...
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Heather Knits said...

Blogger won't let me edit my comments after I post them. I was going to say, only the truth hurts, but a lot of what you say is true. It doesn't hurt, it's just fact. Ron has a serious problem and so do I.