Saturday, March 15, 2014

"They're all hypocrites"

He didn't deserve the tip, but he got it anyway. 

First, let's start at the beginning.  Me, coughing all night.  I can't take cough suppressants.  I forget what they do to me but it's awful.  Oh, yeah, "Robotripping". 

It can act as a "dissociative hallucinogen".  Like I tell people who used to do drugs, "You took them to get out of reality, I take mine to stay in it!"  I like reality and would prefer to remain. 

Guaifenesin - I can take a little, in very small doses, but it raises my lithium level.  Not good. 

Decongestants interact and can cause a fatal seizure. 

So, most cold meds are out.  Happily, everything is draining so it's not setting up camp in "my sinus".  Doesn't that bug you, when someone goes on about "My sinus hurts"?  You have 8 sinus cavities. 

They're clear. 

So, we went to the warehouse, and then to work.  I wanted to get it over and done with before the rain. 

One of our drivers, a muslim, shared his theory that aliens took the missing airliner full of people.  Oh boy.  He was a decent driver, though. 

We got to work, stocked, did an inventory.  Things looked pretty good, everyone was behaving.

We had a long wait on our ride home.  Ron seems to have trouble when a particular dispatcher handles our trips.  "Hang up when you get her" I tell him.  He doesn't want to seem rude. 

I say it's ruder to wait an hour because she bungled it. 

Anyway, we did wait almost an hour, in the drizzle, with me sick.  On the way home the driver seemed rather alarmed. 

I looked in the rearview mirror.  A white pickup was tailgating us, flashing his lights, and weaving in and out of 3 lane's worth of traffic.  He was pretty scary.  We'd change lanes, he'd follow.  He'd follow us back to our original lane, weaving the whole time. 

He drove the way I did, the one time I attempted a freeway.  That's saying a lot. 

Our driver did something evasive and cut across a couple lanes of traffic, bolting through a yellow light.  At the next light, the pickup came up behind us and passed us.  As he did, I noted 2 things:  one, he was a white man texting; two, he had a "Jesus is Lord" trailer hitch on the pickup. 

I had a lot to say about that.  "What do you expect?" our driver said bitterly "Christians all hypocrites."   

We got home.  I was tired.  I was cold.  I desperately wanted a nap and #6 had taken the SUV - so they were all out at some Saturday morning athletic event.  I got into bed. 

Just to hear doors banging and happy, wild, screams.  A vigorous soccer game ensued against the side of my house.  [curse you, zero property line!]

So much.  For my nap. 

I got up and did my God time.  The rain started and they all went inside.  At least it was quiet, but now I was wound up and couldn't sleep (I tried).   I laid down for a little bit and kept coughing. 

I think most of my "issue" is just PTSD.  Unexpected screaming, banging, and frantic doorbell-ringing everytime they lose a ball.  Pretty hard on my nerves. 

I don't do antianxiety pills, either. 


Melanie said...

I must say that it irritates me that people broadbrush confessed Christians when they don't always perfectly live up to Christian standards, when they don't do that to other groups. I kind of understand-our whole main identity is based on being "good people", but so is that of other groups, such as some self-righteous political people who not only know better for themselves, but proclaim to know better for everyone else. Heaven knows they aren't held to to those standards, far from it, what with the sex scandals and all! I'm no advocate for the Catholic Church, but the pedophile priest situation was a major headline scandal, when other men in positions of leadership over young boys, positions in which they were just as responsible in a secular way for teaching them right morals and good ethics, were swept under the rug or low-keyed. And certainly the days are past when politicians are held up as moral exemplars. It may have been hypocritical,in some cases, but from my reading of their lives, in more cases than not, they were the good men they appeared to be. At least as far back as Washington this was so-he just wanted to go home to his farm after serving his country in our fight for freedom, and also after being asked unaminously to serve as first President. I don't think we'll ever see statesmen like that again, the culture produces career politicians now, and also in these end days, men of that caliber would be the exception.

I still pray that things are going better for you, and Ron, and I must again emphasise that to me, you show great grace under pressure. Frankly, I don't think I'd have it in me though I'd want to. You manage to find the strength to just do it. I know it must not be all that easy sometimes, but overall, you make it seem as though you lean on and trust in the Lord as we all should but don't always. He didn't promise us that life would be perfect, He promised us the strength to see it through. You seem to remember that better than many.

Still missing my Rustle along with some other issues, please pray for me. Especially pray for me to have humility. It is one of my great failings, and does me a disservice when I need help, to always feel the need to present a picture of sunshine and perfection to most people, just when I need help the most.

Heather Knits said...

Well, anything good in me comes from God. (((Hugs)))

Unfortunately, if we're putting ourselves out there as "Godly" people expect us to behave accordingly. When we don't it makes them view us, and God, in a bad light.

IN fact, one book on evangelism stated "One of the devil's goal's is to discredit our Christian testimony".