Monday, March 24, 2014

The Game

I'm feeling pretty traumatized today. 

The neighbor kids must have had a rough day - they were literally slamming their soccer ball into the fence, and side of my house, today for well over half an hour.  I get it.  They need to work out their little agressions (but if they think their lives are "hard" now wait until they're on their own).   5 kids live in maybe 1400 square feet, and that's after Dad illegally converted the garage into 2 extra bedrooms. 

It's just difficult for me to handle all the banging and screaming and very loud thumps against my house.  Oh, don't ever buy a house on a zero property line.  I wanted to go yell at them to keep it down, but that's probably what Mom was yelling at them before they went out to "play". 

I do thank God I don't have any windows on that side of the house.  I know for a fact the kids broke two bay windows on their own house.  Since Dad is in construction, he replaced them himself. 

I've thought about it.  if the kids break one of my windows I am calling a professional to replace them and giving Dad the bill.  I don't want a "neighbor" giving me a "warranty" on a repair job.  I've seen how that ends up - in court. 

I'd have Dad (this is the stuff I think about trying not to make my head pop when the kids are at it) sign something saying "My kids broke your window, I will pay to replace it".  Then I would make him board it up.  I'd have the professional out, pay them, and present Dad with the bill. 

I think that would put paid to the "games" for a while. 

I just don't understand - why a man who clearly wanted a large, active, family, bought a house on such a small lot.  He and his wife both drive.  They could have bought a trailer on 5 acres for half the mortgage if they wanted.  The kids would be safe, plenty of room to run around and scream... but they picked a 3 bedroom house on a 4 thousand square foot lot.  Subtract 2000 for the house and driveway.  Then, on that lot, they put an enclosed patio and a large shed - taking off another thousand square feet.  Now the kids only have a thousand square feet to run around, scream, and kick the ball. 

I did have to ban them from the yard.  I didn't have a problem with people in the yard, per se.  I did have a problem with packs of kids coming in the yard, together.  Since I don't like loud noises I didn't like them yelling, screaming, running around, and loudly banging my gate.  However, when the oldest started talking about us, when I was sitting 3 feet away on the other side of the curtain, I put an end to it.  "For safety reasons, your kids are no longer allowed in my yard." 

They come by now and then after losing a ball.  I always tell them I will get it.  I do so and throw it over the fence. 

I think they assume if they keep coming by, one day I will relent and let them in the yard.  And I might, but they always come by, in packs looking for the ball.  It would be worse than before, so the policy remains. 

My backyard is equivalent to their whole lot.  They want to use it as a playground.  Which is why Dad should have bought them a house with a bigger yard. 

Someone I know says I don't understand little boys.  The implication being: boys must be noisy.  Boys must by rowdy little jocks who throw things into my home.   Boys must roam my yard in large packs, seeking trouble, if given permission. 

I guess I don't understand. 

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