Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sleeping with Torbie

I'll start on the positive notes:

I have tomorrow off. 

Ron's going to help pay for the eye exam and glasses.  I didn't expect that because he literally pays every bill, and I'd planned to cover it myself.

I slept great last night, not long enough but a good deep quality. 

I had a great nap today with Torbie.  She likes to get on my chest as I lie in bed.  I pet her, she purrs and massages for 10 minutes or so.  When she's had enough, she goes off to her spot at the foot of the bed.  I sure like sleeping with Torbie. 

That's really the big thing I want from "my" cat.  Someone to cuddle and sleep with me.  I get that in abundance, and she's lovey with Ron too.  I often find her sleeping next to Ron's pillow as he snores. 

Not so good: bad trips today.  All of them except the last.  Lots of waiting, lots of riding around.  Ron getting seasick from all the bouncing. 

The bottle vendor was acting up again.  I had problems with it.  I had to get Ron to address it. 

We need a repairman, as well. Oh, well, he's a nice guy and he can use the money. 

Sam's club didn't have the variety pack cookies I stock.  I had to settle for other brands.  I got some Belvita breakfast biscuits too for the "healthy eating" crowd.  Your average postal processor is a middle aged guy, and he eats surprisingly healthy.  Hopefully they'll be popular. 

I need to figure out a way to get fruit into the cold food vendor.  I think it would do quite well. 

Snacks will need a restock pretty soon, but are fine for now.  I was glad I'd also picked up a flat of pastry, I needed them. 

After a very long ride from work to Walmart, the eye place was booked.  The receptionist was really rude to me and didn't even acknowledge me for over 5 minutes (busy jabbering at someone else, then ignoring me when I stopped waiting for her attention).  Anyway, so rude I'm not going back. 

My eyes are precious.  Why would I take them somewhere that hired a rude and offensive person?  I think I'll get them done at Sam's.  I'm there enough, anywhere. 

So, what a waste of time.  I did do some shopping for Ron.  Ron was in the wheelchair all day, again.  I don't mind.  I just hate that he's hurting. 

I couldn't take him with me so I parked him and did the shopping.  He wanted some snacks, grape tomatoes (he is utterly addicted), cat treats, etc.  I called him when I found the rice dressing.  I know he loves it. 

I figured he could use a treat.  I hadn't been able to find it for a while so I worried it was gone: it's not.  They moved it to a more prominent spot, which bodes well. I bought it. 

Rice dressing is basically chopped giblets, chicken livers, bell pepper, onion, and seasonings; mixed with cooked white rice.  The dressing mix I bought has the meat and seasonings.  I cook some rice, set it aside, and then heat up the dressing mix.  When I'm done with that I mix it.  Ron likes a 1-2 ratio, one scoop dressing mix to 2 scoops rice.  It's easy enough and it makes him so happy. 

It's also a good way to get some nutrition - organ meats, into his diet.  Ron knows what it contains but chooses not to focus.  Kind of like me and sausage.  I don't kid myself about the contents of sausage.

It makes him happy.  It's something I *can* do.  Ron even does the dishes, bags and freezes the leftovers. 

I'm glad I got that.  I'm glad I can make Ron something delicious tomorrow. I try to focus on happy things. 

I have a huge tendency, especially when depressed, to run down all the bad things again and again. 

Here's an example: I am a member of a secret group.  "Nothing leaves the group" kind of thing.  Until someone objected to me stating Ron would have made an excellent father and started ranting about him being abusive.  I only conveyed that in the private "nothing leaves the group", group, which this woman STARTED. 

I was pretty pleased with my response.  I sent her a private message "I thought what was said in the group is private.  Yet here you are putting my very private business all over your wall."  In the meantime, all that is up for everyone to read, which pisses me off.  I don't like having my confidence violated. 

If I put something here and someone writes about it in their own space, that's one thing.  But starting a FB war using private information is untenable.  I will probably leave the group: I know exactly what to expect. If she gets upset she will stab me in the back with private information. 

This is why I keep my (few) secrets tightly held.  People tend to use them against you. 

Anyway, I could let this ruin my whole night off, my whole day off, walk around ruminating and toxic.  Nope.  I'm going to shake her off like a burr and get on with being happy. 

In fact, I'm playing "Happy" by Pharrel Williams. 

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