Monday, March 17, 2014

Thank God for Bandanas

I probably spelled that wrong, but guess what?  I took my meds today. 

Properly medicated trumps proper spelling, and grammar, every time. 

I have a head cold.  In my family, one either had a head cold (what you'd consider a cold) or a "chest cold" (what a physician would consider bronchitis).  This is all "head". 

The runny nose has passed, I'm into the nose-blowing and clearing out congestion part of the program.  If I'm not diligent with this portion, the remains will lodge and fester into sinus trouble.  I've lived in this body for 39 years, I know a few things. 

Years ago, I got manic for bandanas.  They're cheap.  They're colorful.  I can use them to accessorize, if desired.  I liked them for wiping sweat off my face (I sweat a lot in the summer!). 

I have to avoid red and blue, due to gang issues.  Just like Ron and I never wear red or blue when we're out.  Work, and our handout spot, are in bad locations.  However, that leaves a whole spectrum of purples, for instance. 

I went a little nuts.  The average bandana only cost $1.  It was colorful and useful, and actually had a practical application or two (glasses-cleaning, spill mopping, etc.).  One time a driver, for whatever reason, said she couldn't figure out the defrost button on her vehicle.  I handed over a microfiber hand towel for her to wipe the inside of the window. 

I always tried to carry one.  Then, time passed, my medication got better, and I saw them as a shameful reminder of manias past. 

It's true - the thing I love so much when manic often shames me when I'm in an average mood, or depressed. 

Happily, I seldom get physically ill.  In the last five years, I had 1 cold (which evolved into "sinus trouble), a viral sinus infection, two bladder infections, and assorted cysts.  This cold isn't very shocking, but I've learned something fascinating. 

Dad, when I was a kid, carried a "hanky" everywhere.  He'd blow his nose, clean my glasses, and use it to wipe the dipstick (after checking his oil, you filthy mind!), all in one day.  He still carries one to this day. 

I thought it was embarrassing and "gross", even though Mom washed them daily. 

Now, I'm at home.  My nose is running, I'm sick.  I have a pile of bandanas in the closet.  Yup.  They make a great 'hanky".    I have a huge pile of used tissues in my trash can. 

I have clean bandanas I already washed. 

Hm.  Which one is "gross"? 

I also see a lot of practical work applications.  I need to be able to clean things with a soft dry cloth.  I can do that.  It'll also come in handy if I sneeze. 

One memorable day Ron whacked his head on the hand cart.  He was bleeding.   Could have used one then, too. 

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