Friday, May 14, 2010

"Sleigh Ride"?

I slept well, but didn't get enough sleep, I felt. I staggered out of bed, checked my hair - I had showered last night so OK, and then did my God Time. I"ll have to do a blog on that.

Ginny, that's great that your daughter is a phlebotomist! I love the ones at the Blood Center - they can even get Ron and he is HARD. The veins on his hands are terribly scarred up from the road rash, so they always have to go for the elbow. We have a lot of cute sundresses out in Houston, but with my new larger chest I'm a little leery of looking like a Pop-tart!

Then I weighed myself. Not a happy moment. 10 pounds up. UGH.

I had a protein shake and some peanuts, and spent the rest of the morning horribly nauseous. I had given away my candied ginger root yesterday. I guess that was a bad call. Back to the sausage for me, even though the shake has more iron!

We went to Foodtown. It was nice and quiet - wonderful for me, lousy for Foodtown. I got the soda and cup-a-noodles Ron requested. Our pickup came pretty fast.

I went outside and waved at the driver, "Howdy, Darlin'!" Ron asked if it was ____ and I told him no, all the drivers are my "Darlin'". I have been flirting outrageously with Ron the last few days - I find it a lot of fun and Ron doesn't complain. If he hated it, he'd tell me to stop.

"Hey, handsome, is this seat taken?" - getting into the backseat of the Metro cab with him. [snort] I may cause a driver or two to roll eyes but they seem to find it cute, too. Anyway, fun for me. I do find him cute. My biggest high school crush was younger than me, had a receding hairline and a paunch in High School. Oh, I'd have walked over coals for that guy. [sigh]

We had a decent ride to work. Picked up 2 guys at a DECENT group home. Ron and I were talking, and decided that all of the group homes we have SEEN on Metrolift, are lousy. Except today's. Most of the clients are hungry, dirty, and not wearing clean clothes. Ron and I are horrible - we would not want a bunch of group home residents living next door. Kind of hard to explain property lines to some of them. It is pretty common to see a group home and the house next door is also one, or is for sale. Our homeowners' association forbids home based businesses so we are "safe".

Anyway, one guy was obviously autistic and blind. Wow. Makes Ron's problems look pretty easy. I can articulate my pain pretty well, so I can get the medication I need, but I imagine for the autistic, life is pretty awful.

Ron has said he would hate having bipolar disorder, and I think being blind is hell. We both think our own burden isn't too bad, but the other's is. I would have left Ron, probably, if he had bipolar disorder. I expected him to leave me, and he says he would have left me after the accident. Funny, how we all think we couldn't handle some things, but handle others without a thought.

We got to work. I said hi to Hot Legs and bragged about my cholesterol to EVERYONE. Yay! Funny how some of them are convinced I'm going to stroke out regardless. [snort] With 110/70? Not likely, unless it's God's will.

After work, not a tremendous amount to do, we went to Walmart. I got my ginger root! Yesterday Ron had called in my prescriptions - all 3 of them. No problem they said.

There was a problem. AGH. It was most likely wrong of me, but I reminded them that they don't want me OFF MY PILLS. If I had explained my feelings to Ron, it would have gone like this: Imagine you can see, as long as you take your pills. You have some nasty side effects but you can see again. You are running low on your pills. You ask for more and they say OK. But when you get there, they interrogate you as to how many pills you have LEFT and then get an attitude, saying your doctor's 3 month refills are a big pain.

I remarked "Yes, it's so much FUN to walk around nauseous and stupid all day."

I felt very exploited, but to be fair, that's probably how the pharmacist felt. I just don't understand how they can consistently BE OUT of anti-psychotic and mood stabilizer! I am seriously considering another pharmacy. I even said that "How can you be out of mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics?"

AGH. I felt a little more emotional about that than I liked, so when I got home I mashed it down with a lithium and yet more peanut butter. Ugh. I need to do a peanut butter intervention on myself.

All told, I only spent about $30 at Walmart. I got some additional disaster kit stuff, some more soups and some canned fruit (the kind in juice instead of syrup). The cashier was tremendously excited about the driver candy, so much so she rang up Ron's fruit salad twice. Ron has a real passion for fresh fruit salad. Good.

Then I staggered over to the bank "I am having a bad day and I can't think" I handed them an old statement "Can you put this cash in this account please?" He did, and I handed out more candy. "Oh, YOU'RE the one" a teller said. One day I will probably end up flattened by hearing how all my tracts helped people.

I told her the story of how her boss was teasing me and stole Ron's cart, spinning it around in circles. [grin] Funny. He looked (the boss) so sober, looking at his computer. [snort]

Then McDonalds and home. Oddly, no one, and I mean NO ONE has the clams. Frustrating that the one thing I really enjoyed to bring up my iron levels.... ugh.

I need to figure out what I'm doing regarding my next donation. Do they want me to get on the machine again? I'm happy to do that. Do they want whole blood? Ron wants me to coach him the next time he's on the machine, I'm happy to do that. I still need to figure that one out. I also think it would help if Ron had a very soft and easier to squeeze, ball. The ones they had were rather firm.

We saw 2 huge vultures eating roadkill on the way home. I found the vultures adorable, and could envision Bubba trying to drag one into the house. The vulture would kick his butt, though.

We got home, I put up the groceries, let in the cat (he is on cat door restriction in the mornings now), and fed him. I went to bed and took a nap.

I had a rather unusual dream. It was Christmas time and I was with my family. I had Ron, some older relatives, and some older children. The "kids" had gotten together and bought me a beautiful lighted - thing. As I unwrapped it I cried, and the song "Sleigh Ride" began to play. The thing, whatever it was, had a very loving message I couldn't quite read and was beautiful with blue lights.

Then I woke up. Such are my dreams.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

You made me laugh, Heather!! Don't have to worry about my daughter looking like a pop tart! Unlike me, she is not well endowed!! LOL

I don't blame you one bit for finding a new pharmacy! That just isn't right. Had a similar situation here too. Took a script, they didn't have it said they would have it in 2 days, went to get it and they said it would be 3-4 more days!! Took the script somewhere else and got it...that day!!