Thursday, May 13, 2010


I've had a real numerical theme in my titles this month.

Yesterday, I did NOTHING except lie around in bed and read inspirational romance novels. I barely checked the mail. It was great.

Today, work, bank, mall, home. I helped Ron fill the machines, and for a change we had plenty of time to do our work. I got paid (yay!) and then we went to the mall.

I got 4 pounds of whey protien blend (fast and slow release protiens) for about $30 at GNC. Seemed like a good deal - a lot of times I just want a snack and a shake + nibbles would work. I got more candy at my favorite store (to hand out), and Ron interrogated Radio Shack about a female stereo mini plug + 2 RCA males. Apparently they didn't have one. Not bad for a guy who was supposed to have the IQ of a carrot!

I got a big bowl of blackened chicken all by itself. It was tasty. We got home pretty fast and I took a nap.

I was awakened by the blood bank calling to thank me. My plasma/platelets donation could save up to 19 people. Pretty awesome!

I decided to check my choleterol. My favorite thing at Starbucks is a heavy whipping cream steamer. I have recently eaten insane amounts of peanuts and peanut butter. Before I donated, I ate 2 double cheeseburgers, bunless, with bacon.

And my cholesterol? 142. Second lowest ever. The lowest - 141 - was also low carbing, eating a high-fat diet. Ha!

1 comment:

Ginny said...

GOOD JOB on your cholesterol, HEATHER!! I haven't learned my way around here on your blog and thought you haven't posted for awhile and posted on 05/10 that I missed you! This morning, I see you have been posting and I didn't even know it!! LOL All caught up now! Hope your Dad is ok.

I had a double cheeseburger (no bun of course) from Burger King today and thought of you when I was eating it!! {{{HUGS}}}

DO NOT feel guilty for not doing anything yesterday, YOU need and deserve a break once in awhile!

I went to the mall today for a few hours with my daughter. She is 22 and wanted a sun type dress. She's pretty broke now, so I bought one for her. She is working full time this summer as a phlebotomist at a local hospital. She works part time during the school year as she is studying to be a nurse.