Thursday, May 27, 2010

"No Such Account"

Tuesday, during my Day Out, I went to my local bank and made my deposit. I gave them "The Deposit you can Eat!" with Scripture booklets; they asked me if I wanted to continue my overdraft protection. I said no thanks, I'd rather they just decline any overdraft transaction. Last year my overdraft protection ran up some nasty fees when my account got hacked.

After finishing, as I was headed out, I got an irate phone call from the sandwich guy. A problem with the check. DECLINED. "No Such Account". Overdraft charges.

Oh, crap. I immediately knew 1. The guy had to call Ron direct (which I arranged) and 2. It was the fault of the new checks.

We get checks every now and then. They are always the larger size, the kind that tear down the left side, and they all say "Ron Smith, DBA Our Business" Ron had ordered some new ones, and to put it gently, the phone clerk seemed a little - dim, to Ron.

When the checks arrived, they did not say "Ron Smith DBA". They just had "Company Name". They were smaller, and tore across the top. Not only that, they had completely incorrect account routing number!

Since we got the checks, we have made checks out to:
The other blind vendor
Donut guy
Sandwich guy

Oh, what a royal screw up. Our only consolation; we hadn't made out one of these fake checks to Sales Tax. Sandwich guy came by today and we gave him cash to cover the check, plus the $10 overdraft charge. Ron was kidding with the guy's boss: "So, we'll write you a GOOD check Tuesday" "Good! I'll send you some GOOD food, then!" [snorting with laughter]

Yes, it was my fault, partly. I did not read the account number off to Ron. However, in my defense, I have never needed to do so in 10 years of business! Things have changed - now.

So, Ron called our bank (different from my bank), and they fixed it. Tear up the fake checks. Very, very sorry. Express delivery of new, correct, checks. [rolleyes] We've been dealing with THAT mess all week.

Today, we got the new checks (inspected and OK) so I felt OK sharing this. What a mess!

I went to bed at around 9, knowing I had to be up at 4. I couldn't fall asleep (I had caffeine too late in the day), so I tossed and turned for a while. I finally dropped off.

I woke up in the middle of the night with intense itching in the sole of one foot. Apparently a fire ant or mosquito got me. I like to sleep with a foot outside the covers, on occasion. It must have looked like a nice buffet. I scratched it miserably for a few minutes, moaning in discomfort, and went back to sleep.

When I woke up I hit the snooze twice, got up, God time, Shower, and started doing up some Bibles. I ran out of time. I took what I had with me. Ron and I did some witnessing to the driver, who was very interested. I gave him a Bible.

Ron ended up as a sandwich in the backseat, between two fellows with developmental issues. I was glad I was in the FRONT. I see Ron as more gallant because, even if offered "The Good seat" , he will always insist I take the front. I had an unfortunate experience with a guy, sores all over his arms, pressed up against me in a cab. I had short sleeves and really wondered if I was going to catch anything.

God has shown me, it's very easy to demonize someone. It would be so easy to only look for ugly things in Ron; but he has a lot of wonderful attributes, too. If we have to ride around in a minivan, thank God he is the generous type, who is content being wedged in between two strangers while I ride in comfort up front.

Got to work, did the pull, GOT PAID! Dealt with Sandwich guy and Milk Lady - she got cash. Did the milk pulled out bad codes, did an inventory, cleaned off the last of the Dr Pepper pallet, and called in our junk food delivery for tomorrow (about $630).

We met up with Chuck, went to the bank, and then the mall. We ate lunch at the food court. I ran and got my favorite Spanish candy. I have been eyeing their green apple candy - it's chewy - for a while. I finally decided to get it. I'm very pleased with my selection.

I handed out lots of Bibles and candy everywhere I went. [laugh] That's how you'll know me from the alien clone. The alien won't have any Bibles, and will hate Diet Dr Pepper.

I found it funny. I don't know who they were with; but two guys dressed alike (not Mormons), handing out books. One guy kept coughing - allergies. I hunted up the Bible that had the honey candy in it (I tried that - yummy). I gave it to him, "I've got something for YOU, and this candy will really help your throat." He took it. The other guy says "That's a Bible, man." I offered him one and he acted like I'd started stripping right there in the middle of the food court. "Uh. No."

[shrug] I prayed for everyone at the mall, not to be deluded by any fake God (I did this silently, of course) and then we left. Came home, new checks on the door, and naptime. Oh, 2 hours of sleep. Bubba cat on the bed. Good times.

Now all I have to do is cook up some meat tonight. Tomorrow I get up at 2-ish and go to work. Get the delivery, unload it, stock it, help Ron. Then some breakfast and Starbucks, and home. :)

Oh, and Ron inflated the lobster and beach ball. Everyone LOVES them. :) Wait till I put up the palm tree door poster (designed to go on doors). I'd also gotten a patriotic bow I put on the stockroom, too.

I'm glad I can be myself at work.

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