Sunday, May 9, 2010

Find Joy in Life

If I allow him to, God always gives me a stronger back when I've got a heavier load. I spent an hour on the phone with my family supporters - the ones I need to talk to. It is so important for me because sometimes I feel like I'm in a prison. I need "visitors"! They are wonderful women, always happy to listen to all the bad news.

I even got some good news: my sister may be moving to the Houston area. That would be great; I love her and the feeling is mutual. The only "problem"? We have a 16 year age difference, she raised 3 kids to adulthood; and strangers always ask "Which one's older?" [snort] I need some of that face cream, or whatever she's doing.

My Dad's heart is acting up a little - valve problems. They want to see him in a month, and one thing I have learned from my Dad's and my husband's health problems: if it's serious, they don't wait a month. They put you in ICU right away (had that happen to both of them). No waffling. So, it can't be too bad if they want to see him in a month to "talk" about it. Worst case, I remind myself, Dad is saved.

[snort] I can just see me, flying out to the funeral with a case of Bibles. I'd do it!

Even after getting that, I slept OK. Even Ron was quiet. I guess all the vodka just put him out. He woke up this morning complaining he had lost his flash drive. I looked for it, but did not find it. It is one I had given him. :(

It was a rather difficult morning. Our ride came early and Ron began griping loudly about it. Then an angry phone call to dispatch. The cab left, with all my stuff inside. I assumed it would come back, and happily it did. It was very awkward, if I went out to the cab, the driver was pressuring me to go "help" him. If I went in the house, Ron was yelling that he hated sitting on the hard bench and he didn't want to go until the pickup time. AWKWARD!

No wonder I needed the phone time. I told Ron "If you really hate the grocery store this much I will just take the bus." [shrug] I wasn't sure if it was some kind of martyr issue, or just a hatred of "being controlled".

One thing about public transit and having other people get you around, you learn to submit to authority. You have to accept the bus will only go to the bus stop. You have to go to the bus stop. You have to go to the bus stop on time, or miss your ride. You have to have bus fare to ride. You don't go where you want, you go to the closest bus stop to where you want to go. Then you walk to the destination. If you don't want to do that, you walk, or pay for a cab. It's the Rules. I try to follow the rules.

I tend to be more placid about these things - it's early, fine, we'll go early. I had a good time looking around at the grocery store. [shrug] It is funny to watch the candy bar price war with the other grocery store.

I handed out my candy, lots of it. I got some liver. I plan to cook it and dice it. Then just swallow a spoonful like I'd swallow a medication. Liver is very high in iron (especially pork) and full of anti-stress compounds. I want to have a nice, high, iron level when I go to donate. I like donating blood.

So, we got home. I put up the perishables and tried to help Ron find his thing. No luck, and he ran me out of the room. I took a nap, had a good one.

I woke up, and saw a Eureka marathon on Sci-fi. Yay! I love Eureka. My sister called. Then I called my aunt. Good times, me, the Diet Dr, and the cell phone.

It is so important to find joy in life. So important.

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