Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday morning

So someone just asked me what movie characters I'd like to be like.  That was an easy one.  Ripley from the Alien series, and Sarah Connor in Terminator 2.  Both were ass kicking women.  

I always hated the fight scene where the woman hides in the corner while the men work it out, one scene a woman picked up a chair and broke it over the bad guy's back - that is who I strive to be, a victor, not a victim.  

Do I get in fights?  No.  I taunted a woman once at Walmart she was very rude demanding I move Ron's wheelchair even though she was thin and there was plenty of room to pass.  I said "Whatever you say, princess." and I could literally see her making the calculation was it worth going back to prison to kick my ass, and concluding I wasn't worth it.  I was manic at the time.  

Thank God I wasn't worth it.  

But I admire women who are strong.  My mother was not.  Not a good role model, fell to pieces at the drop of a hat, many suicide attempts, drinker, not medicated, ... not much to emulate.  Dad does say she was beautiful and very intelligent so there's that.  She was very talented musically as well and did some other art things.  

My Dad raised me, I write but that is about it for artistic pursuits.  

And Ron had a seizure.  We figured out the trigger on this one and can avoid it in the future.  We are figuring this out.  I knew to turn up the fan and AC, give him a spit bucket (he bit the inside of his mouth again).  The cats were going nuts AFTER, would have been nice to get some warning before...but he was in bed, had the seizure in bed, and stayed in bed after so no falls.  

Maybe I will end up with seizure alert cats.  

The rest of the morning has been pretty quiet.  I didn't sleep well last night and I don't think Ron did either (trigger).  I had some digestive issues as well.  But I got "enough" sleep.  

I took a shower after the seizure (I had been planning to) after I got Ron settled and my hair is still wet.  I will take a nap in a little bit.  

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