Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Today did not go as planned

I was up around midnight anyway (woke up) so I helped Ron with some things and eventually went back to bed.  I got up around 7, took my shower, got dressed.  I had a talk with Ron re: portion control.  He seemed to listen.  

I had planned to walk to my polling place, vote, and then take Arturo to Walmart.  But they are doing construction at about the halfway point and I slipped in a thick layer of mud.  The mud did cushion my fall, I was not seriously hurt, but covered in mud (except my head/face/hair/left arm) both hands covered in mud, knees, butt, you name it.  It was epic, and inches thick all over me.  

Being a good citizen I was STILL going to vote, after I cleaned up a little in the bathroom, but they moved the location.  So I'm standing there in front of a closed building.  [curses]

Well that's just great, and Arturo didn't want mud in his cab (can't blame him).  So I had to walk home,covered in mud.  Not my finest moment.  

I told myself it would be funny eventually and it is, now.  The mud was the exact color of feces and I had it all over my butt so I looked like I had an epic accident.  I got home, took off my shoes, and hosed off for a while in the front yard.  I got about 95% of it off.  I came in and got rid of the rest.  

Ron was surprised to see me but happy I was OK.  I cleaned up, changed, and called Arturo.  He came about half hour later.  I went to Walmart later than I would have liked.  

I did, I felt, have the fact it was the 14th and not a common payday, in my favor.  But no one else in north Houston got the memo and the place was packed.  It was pretty rough shopping but I got everything on the list and a few things that weren't.  

Like: pupusas.  They had them frozen.  I love those things.  I used to drag Ron out to various shops to eat them.  I also got some smoked salmon because I have been craving it and it was a really rough day.  I also got boneless skinless chicken thighs which I love, easily my favorite meat.  All I have to do is season them and throw them in the iron skillet, yum.  I got Ron another rotisserie chicken.  He loves those and they are easy.  It had just come out of the oven.  

A very long line to check out but I remained calm and patient.  Checked out, went outside.  A couple of people waiting on rides but no one tried to steal Arturo.  I came home, everything was still cold and went straight into storage.  

I got settled and ate the half pound of salmon, it was delicious and I would get it again.  It worked with my medication as well.  I called my doctor and set up a phone appointment for next week.  I am at about the 3 month mark so due for a visit.  

They kept my information on file and will just re-bill the card.  I am OK with that, normally I wouldn't want anyone keeping my payment data but I trust them,they are a good bunch truly out to help people.  And my aunt doesn't have to give me a ride.  

I will have to ante up for 3 months of crazy pills next week but I do have my credit card I can use that and then pay it at the next payday.  

I helped Ron.  Pretty much every time I walk past his room I check and empty his urinals.  The quart sized Ziplock Twist and Lock work very well for us, very few spills.  He's happy, I'm happy.  

I didn't bug him about much and he remains very grateful and appreciative.  I don't mind doing "more" if he values it.  In the past I have done less and been quite resentful at the time because he was being so ugly about it; but he isn't stupid and knows he has a gift.  

The no-rinse brand body wash has been very effective and a lot of dirt in the water when I poured it out.  I was impressed and it didn't bother his skin.  I haven't used the no-rinse shampoo on him yet.  

I also made my deposit to cover my bills and some Ubers.  As I said the paratransit drivers keep getting sick and I am not willing to risk him.  He is happy to stay at home in bed with his vodka and the cat.  He is being more temperate about the vodka.  I was very clear, I said I can't leave the house and worry all day he has gotten into trouble, can't use commode chair, etc.  I need to know he will be OK until I come home.  I was sincere about this and he took it to heart.  

Good.  I just paid Dad now I don't have to worry for another month.  I only got about 2/3 my pay this time but you can bet he got his $250.  That is payment #7 so a good dent in the debt.  Too bad he can't tell the credit agencies about my good payment history!  

I will pay the HOA tomorrow that isn't due until the 25th anyway.  I only have one payment after this and then done.  I will enjoy having that $85 back in my pocket.  

I like to burn a candle when I pray and do my Bible study.  It is just something I have developed.  The Presbyterians aren't much on candles except during Advent.  I don't think God cares one way or another but it sets a nice mood a scented candle flickering while I commune.  So I will keep doing it.  Walmart has a very nice collection of budget candles so I got 2 more today.  

They had lamps in the old Temple in the Old Testament so there is a little bit of a precedent, that, and incense, but Ron can't abide incense these days.  He accused my Nag Champa incense of triggering his first seizure.  He doesn't care if I do a candle so I stick with that.  

I need to get some more of the long lighters though, for the candles I bought today.  To start I can just use a Bic but as they burn down I have to get the little stick down there.  What I have is working for now, though.  

Next month I need to get some more air filters for the A/C I am almost out.  I got some on Amazon that are very nice and catch tons of crap.  

I need to go to bed early as the Dr Pepper delivery will arrive around 6 AM tomorrow.  

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