Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy Anniversary!

Ron got a check and I had to take him to the bank as we wanted to cash it.  

We were taking Arturo.  I got up, did my God Time, fed the cats (not in that order), took my shower, Ron was awake.  I gave him a bath in his wheelchair.  My favorite line "Would you like a wet rag for your face?  Not the one I used to wipe your butt!"  He said yes.  

Then I played deodorant sommelier let him sniff and pick out the one he wanted (Irish Spring).  I applied it, we got him dressed, etc.  That all took a while.  Then we called Arturo who was a ways off.  

Ron laid down, Baby Girl joined him.  Arturo arrived and Ron got into his wheelchair easily.  He had been having trouble with transfers, getting in and out of his chair, but did not really today.  It was a little scary when he got on the toilet before his bath but aside from that he was good.  

We got to the bank, a guy told us to cut.  All the faces behind him said "You'd better not" so I said we would wait.  We did, it wasn't bad as things go.  I put his mask on before he went in.  And mine.  

We cashed the checks (some of it was paying us back for repairs).  The teller was very nice and handled it quickly.  

Ron had Arturo pick up some of "his" vodka on the way back and we went home.  Again, easy transfers except for the very last one.  When we got in the house Ron stood up next to the bed and said he needs to practice standing, more.  Something I have been wanting him to do.  

Ron had a fantastic attitude all day, very appreciative and willing to pull his own wagon.  It made life a lot easier.  I have been praying for his care issues lately in addition to my other prayers and they seem to be helping.  

Ron wants to stay at home and is committed to doing what he needs to do to make that happen.  I have explained as kindly as possible that means he needs to drink his water, eat regularly, stay active, take his supplements, etc.  Allow me to help bathe him and stuff without a lot of complaints or tirades about living up to society's rules.  He has done that, at least today, and that made caring for him a lot easier.  

He is sleeping now after having had some cucumber vodka.  He seems happy.  Good.  

Ron did mention Ubers in front of Arturo and I made sure to explain I use them for the "Have to get to work by 6 AM on a weekday" type trips and he shook his head, he doesn't want those anyway.  I do like using Arturo for the Walmart trips as he makes it a lot easier and I know 1.  He will help me load and 2.  Isn't weird about the use of his trunk.  I tip accordingly.  

So, overall a good day.  And it is my anniversary, 20 years to the day since I moved to Texas!  Yay!  

Glad I did it.  

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