Wednesday, July 29, 2020

More of Wednesday

I had a pretty good nap; woke up with a headache.  I hope it wasn't the pizza.  My budget is pitiful but I did manage to eke out enough to buy a devotional I had and loved, I have a very bad habit of giving them away so that is likely what happened to the last one.  

The rest was all bills and exciting things like flea meds for the cats.  Cleo got in bed with me during my nap, super cuddly, just the sweetest and most affectionate thing ever, almost as if she knew I had bought her medicine.  She is the most affected by the fleas - she is itching a lot, the other cats are slightly but it is worse for her.  That should come tomorrow and I will dose her; she was good about it last time.  

That was one thing I wondered, as I was socializing her.  Would I ever be able to give her a topical?  Pet her without the flinching?  I never dreamed she would come this far.  I am incredibly proud of her.  

I gave Ron his bath he is happy now.  He likes the Irish Spring deodorant so we use that.  I use no rinse bath that stuff is great.  I just put a good squirt in my little bucket with some warm water and a washcloth and get to work.  I don't have to rinse (obviously) and he can just dry off or I dry his armpits with a towel so I can apply the deodorant.  

I should probably put up a wish list it has been a while.  There it is:  Wish list  Stuff I need, some things I would like, not a lot of luxury.  Some home decor as I still need pillows for the one couch.  

I took Ron's blanket and am washing it.  I put a little baking soda in the washer as that is supposed to help with softening.  Ron is hypersensitive about fragrance so I can't use dryer sheets.  I have never wanted to ante up for the fragrance free dryer sheets maybe I should put them on the list.  Done.  Now you can help me do the laundry.  

For whatever reason I have a hard time spending $8-9 on dryer sheets but no problem spending $20 on a bucket of Tide Pods.  

I swept the house last night and did the litter boxes so I wouldn't have to do them today, very glad I did it that way as I had the energy.  

I am a little mixed mood wise, chafing at my budget but at least I have a few dollars left.  I was able to buy the cat medicine, pay my doctor and the water bill today.  Everyone is hurting financially except maybe the sanitizer makers.  

By the way, I am more of a hand washing girl but when I do use sanitizer I have a bottle of Suave I got.  I trust the brand they have washed my hair for a good 20 years.  And done a good job of it at even the worst of my budget.  I have always been able to afford their products.  Deodorant isn't bad, either.  

So I won't whine because I know many have it worse, but the unemployment, $600 a week - I wouldn't know what to do with that except save most of it.  I don't get unemployment because 1.  Self employed.  2.  Still working, if you can call it that.  3.  Married to business owner.  Ron has never had to pay unemployment taxes on me because we are married, they did a phone interview with him after the wedding and confirmed that.  So it has been good in the short run but long term self employed I get nothing I didn't give myself.  

I am OK with that I would think I know how to budget.  I was very pleased I put $50 on my credit card I had a $150 balance and a $30 minimum payment not due for 2 more weeks.  That should do wonders for my credit score.  

When we bought the house it was in the 500's, not sure what it is now but I haven't had any accounts so pretty low I'd imagine.  This will help.  But it is mainly about me not having debt and paying my bills.  I hate having debt.  

We did manage to pay off the credit card (leftovers from my root canal) with the stimulus check and I think that's the best thing we could have done.  So, aside from my $100 credit card balance and the mortgage, we are debt free.  Not a lot of people can say that so I remember that.  

I just finished putting up the towels I got yesterday, I put them in Ron's room and have the washcloths in a reusable shopping bag at hand.  I can manage without a wet wipe if I have towels, washcloths, washer, and detergent.  Now I have both.  

I was really horrified when someone we know gave us a lot of overly personal details about his one night stay in the hospital (he has vertigo attacks), including a blow by blow account of how the staff had to clean up after him when he had an accident, I resolved I would never be that person and I have not done that.  But the supplies will be welcome because, well, shit happens.  [grin]

If I could prioritize the stuff I could use off the list I suppose the laundry stuff would go at the top.  That will get used in pretty short order.  I am not out but I like to have a good inventory.  

Money was tight enough I could not swing the $20 for a year's supply of Loratadine (allergy medicine), so I got the $1 packet of fake Zyrtec at Walmart, took my first dose this morning, so far it has worked well.  My ears tend to get clogged with my allergies, especially my left, but it is not, today.  I find that encouraging, as I AM allergic to cats, and I have 5; mold, and I live in Houston; grass, and I live in Houston, etc.  I am constantly exposed to my allergens so this is great that it seems to work better without freaking me out.  

I took some of that stomach acid reducer about 15 years ago and was tripping, hallucinating all over the place, until it wore off.  That is some nasty stuff for me.  Other drugs, like one bladder infection antibiotic, made me extremely manic.  I try to avoid all the drama, I think that's the one thing that distinguishes me from other bipolars/schizophrenics.  

I was damaged by an uncontrolled bipolar and I don't want to do that to anyone or even the cats.  I remember the way Bubba cat used to look at me when I'd get manic.  Very wary.  I never want that again.  Now Cleo some things will spook her now and then she is a high strung cat but I would never knowingly scare her.  Which means I need to take my medication as directed.  And I do.  

I will fix my dinner, take my pills, and come back.  I'm about due.   All done.  

I am going to take my shower now.  

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