Thursday, July 2, 2020

Not for the squeamish - Most of Thursday

I slept OK last night, got up, took care of Ron.  

Last night Ron tried both the toilet chair, and the actual toilet.  I guess I will leave the portable toilet set up in his bedroom.  Tip: put about 8 ounces of water in the basin it makes it much easier to empty.  It is also a way to monitor the actual result and make sure it looks OK, no bleeding etc.  He did say the bedroom one was "a lot easier".  Other than that an unremarkable night.  

Once I had Ron settled, I did the monthly report and filed that online.  I also made the payment.   So all done with work for today.  

Ron and I were talking about the other night.  I use, for my daily beverages, a 2 quart container from stripes.  It is a large plastic cup with a snap on lid and straw.  It is the perfect size for a large Crystal light packet and 2 quarts of water.  It is not clear.  I left it in the bathroom the other night.  Ron found it and thought "Hey, Urinal!" (they are similar in some respects), popped the lid off, relieved himself, and closed it again.  I found it the next day and thought "Hey, I still have some iced tea!" and took a big slurp.  

Oh, that was a really awful flavor.  I thought the tea had gone bad until I looked.  Oh, yuck.  I got rid of it and realized: Heather, you cannot leave these cups around where Ron can find them.  But oh, what a lesson.  Ron is very sorry he just got confused.  It does bear a resemblance to his container, which is a one quart with a screw on lid, both are tall cylinders made of plastic.  

He is very sorry for that.  But I learned my lesson and see it as my fault.  I told him, it is funny now but not so much yesterday morning.  

We had a pretty quiet day, he took his vitamins and had a fancy lunchable for lunch.  I got him one with mozzarella and dry salame, little sesame sticks, 17 grams of protein.  He loved it and ate the whole thing.  We (both of us) need to run an errand tomorrow but it shouldn't take too long.  

The other vendor called in a panic because she had heard Ron was in the hospital.  I explained he wasn't, he had a seizure, and was fine at home.  He did call the doctor today but they are saying he will have to come in.  We are not really excited about that.  I will keep working on him, though.  Everyone at our location is taking a long weekend so I don't feel bad about our plans to do the same.  Sales are just dead anyway.   

I am not sure what we are doing for the 4th but I have a backyard BBQ dinner for Ron in the fridge.  That's it for now.  

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