Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 4

I slept pretty well last night, I think the menopause herbs are helping.  I am certainly not seeing any negative side effects.  

I got up around 7, fed the cats, took care of Ron.  We had a scary moment getting him on the toilet so I asked him to use the bedside commode from now on.  I will also work more on the physical therapy.  He was pretty wiped out after Tuesday's seizure so I didn't want to push it but clearly I need to do that.  

I stripped the bed while he was out of it, wiped down the mattress cover and threw the sheets in the wash.  My detergent has done a really good job with the sheets, and my regular clothes.  I wash the sheets about twice a week.  

He ate some red beans and rice, asked me how I would cook them (Louisiana style).  I told him I would probably buy a box and fix it that way, it would have the seasoning packet he wanted.  He liked that idea so I will probably buy one next time I go to Walmart.  

Cutting off here for the next one... 

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