Thursday, July 16, 2020

The rest of Thursday

Well, that was a crazy day.  

The email app kept glitching, and I am short of memory, so I took it off my phone.  I checked my email from the desktop around noon.  And I had a fraud alert email from my bank (for real).  It said call the number on my card, so I did that.  

Someone (!) tried to run some charges on my card which were declined by the fraud department and they put a hold on my account.  Good, that is what I would want them to do if they had anything fishy.  So I talked to the bank, verified it was me (that took a while), and told them the two charges were fraudulent but everything else was OK.  I didn't want Gospel For Asia to decline.  They froze my account and said they could send me a new card in (a while) or I could go to the branch today and get one.  I opted to go to the bank and they put a note in my file.  

I called Arturo (couldn't use Uber as my account was frozen) and went to the bank.  They had a new card in my hand within a few minutes, they actually have a printer for them.  I have to come back and turn it on tomorrow.  

I went home and finished the laundry, home care for Ron, etc.  The cats are good.  

I didn't get a nap.  That is OK as I did sleep "late" (9 am) for me.  Ron was fine being left.  

So that was just a pain in the ass but it does happen every few years.  I am online, I have my number stored in various databases.  

Arturo said it was Uber.  Could be.  I mentioned it to the bank and she agreed.  That sucks if true.  I just want to get around!  

I have to deal with going to work and doing sales tax as well.  Have to figure all that out...drama.  I'll get it all figured out, looks like I will have to do some of it tomorrow as SURPRISE the bank is closed Saturday (not mine, Ron's/business bank). Today was supposed to be my day off to relax... that didn't really work out.  

But I should be able to enjoy the weekend.  

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