Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Most of Tuesday

Well, work was depressing.  

We had a good ride and I remembered to get the masks on us before we went out to our ride, they stayed on until we came back into the house.  


Sales are TERRIBLE.  Why, Heather?  Because they took out most of the seating in our vending area!  There is nowhere to sit and eat your snack.  

F*ck!  (Sorry, Lord)  So the machines were basically full.  It is BAD when we can stock in one hour.  BAD!  

I did have Ron available for the other vendor they were totally freaked out last week when they heard he had a seizure.  She saw he was "fine" stocking and talking, normal as ever.  So that issue was addressed.  

I was also told someone at work, about to retire - likely already ill in some way as most of the military vets about to retire are diabetic, etc., died of the virus.  Which is probably why they did the seating purge at work, they don't want to get sued if someone else gets sick.  

Craptastic.  So that was horribly depressing.  

We came home and I got Ron settled.  We have a pretty good home care routine now and I am happy for it.  

Last night I was thinking of my resistance to the commode liners (Ron's idea), and did some hunting, found something good and purchased it, it comes tomorrow.  That should help a lot.  Ron can use the commode safely.  I don't have to worry about him falling in the bathroom - I can't tell you how BAD it looked, him getting on and off the porcelain toilet.  He can easily navigate the chair, though.  So I am glad of that.  

He pees in a Ziplock Twist and Lock quart size container, it makes a great urinal for him, nice and easy to use, screw on cap.  He has had very few spills.  I just don't use the quart size twist and locks for anything but that now.  I do have some pints I use for cooking.   

Ron also made the good point to put duct tape on the urinals which I will do later.  

I did my God Time before I took my nap, it had gotten pushed aside this morning as I didn't sleep well last night, and I had a lot of home care things to do.  But I got him all fixed up before we left.  

Ron has been very appreciative about the things I do for him, re: homecare and also other things I do.  But he is especially grateful for the home care.  I don't feel comfortable sharing much from my caregiving friends but that, apparently, is very uncommon.  I'm glad of that it does make the ick parts easier.  

I don't see how I could care for someone not my husband, handling the man parts, etc. But I am sure I would figure something out.  But it is VERY personal.  

I have tomorrow off, and I plan to pay the electric bill.  It was $120, not bad considering.  We have kept it pretty pleasant in here, and my menopause herbs (Wild Yam, Black Cohosh, and Dong Quai) have done a good job with the hot flashes.  I also have the fan by my bed.  

I can do a little shopping while I am out anyway.  

I am doing a pretty good job reducing my caffeine intake.  This time last week it was 500 mg a day.  Now I am down to 150.  I am very pleased with that.  Days like today when I had a headache it goes up but the overall average is down.  That can only be good for my health.  

I am taking extra oregano oil (capsules) for the short term I think it is smart.  I will get more tomorrow if I can, but I have enough for the short term.  I am a big believer in it; it was a big help when I had the cold virus a few years ago.  It really knocked down my sick time and kept me from getting "the usual" sinus infection.  And a cold is a corona virus.  Not saying Oregano oil is a cure or treatment but worth considering for me.  

The cats are good, Torbie is getting more arthritis but has proven very stubborn about taking glucosamine, which would be a huge help.  I will ask the vet when I take her in for her shots but not sure what we can do, she won't do glucosamine, and is very bad about taking medication.  She is still lively and has a good appetite for treats so I am not worried.  

Cats have a way of letting me know when it's time to go.  I don't believe it's her time yet.  Everyone else is doing great, drinking lots of water out of their fountain which makes me very happy.  I like to see the cats get up in Ron's bed with him; he can't find them but they find him, get in there, walk around on him, get some petting, etc.  It makes him very happy.  

I also tease him the cats are more willing to hang out with him after a bath.  And overall he has been very good about taking care, using the commode, using the urinals, getting bed baths.  I have him do as much as possible for himself but some things he needs help.  And I am fine with that, I really did sign up for this.  

I can talk about this now, 17 years later.  I was on a head injury survivor message board after Ron's accident.  One woman said she was leaving her live in boyfriend, with their toddler, because "I didn't sign up for this" she had assumed he would be "big and strong" for decades and when he required compassion, understanding, and assistance, just didn't feel up for it.  I wonder if he ever got visitation with the baby.  

Now it's not up to me to say what she should have done.  Head injuries have a way of bringing out the worst in people.  I have seen that with Ron, especially when he's drinking.  Maybe he was a real SOB to start and had become even worse... or he was molesting the baby - you just don't know.  

One head injury thing went into great detail how a guy had become so abusive, in Australia, they had to take his wife and child out of the situation and house them miles away, he couldn't deal with any sort of female "carers" so they had to find a male who spoke his language to provide the care.  Each case is different.  

Ron is generally amiable enough (these days) that I find it easy to overlook all the "problems".  And I'm no treat, either.  

I remember one time Ron was very discouraged because I had been very depressed and didn't "Get in the Barbeque spirit" - depression ate a lot out of our lives together.  Manias weren't much better oooh I remember times NOTHING made me happy.  And now my medication gives me headaches, made me fat, and fatigued all the time.  So we look out for each other.  

Our problems intersect in an odd way that makes it work for both of us.  And I am sure the stalker would be enraged by that.  But it does and apparently I haven't discussed this enough.  

Ron and I had fried chicken patties on whole wheat, with bbq sauce and cheese, for lunch.  Pretty good eating.  I need to put more V8 (I have small bottles) in the fridge so I can offer him that with his meals, but I am happy he did that and took his vitamin!  He has been so good about that lately!  So I feel better about his overall health and nutrition.  

My big question right now should I get some shampoo caps for Ron or the no rinse shampoo?  I think I will ask the caregiver group.  He doesn't have much hair so it shouldn't be too hard but I do want to keep what he has fresh.  

That's it for now.   

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