Sunday, July 12, 2020

Some of Sunday

So I saw something I can talk about.  

Sometimes I get triggered by something in the caregiver group but I wouldn't want someone talking about my business, so I don't.  

But yesterday someone, on the main Facebook, put up a photo of a grandson.  He was about 2, looking at the camera, and he had a crossed eye.  

I was born with a crossed eye and had to undergo some really unpleasant treatment for it.  Back then they used a medical eye patch to cover the good eye, forcing me to use the bad one (right) eye.  It was very unpleasant as I was always getting eye infections from the eye patch, and it took years for a medical person to clearly and simply explain "Cross-contamination" so I wouldn't infect both eyes.  Just really miserable infections, pain, discomfort, difficulty trying to see with the bad eye, etc.  But my Dad was told I would go blind in the right eye if I didn't start using it, so he was diligent about the treatment plan.  

I remember one day I was home sick and it was time to put on my eye patch.  I whined about it and my stepmother gave me the day off, I felt so relieved.  It was just the one day.  The medical patches didn't work very well and kept getting stuck in my eyebrow hair so they switched to a "pirate" style patch.  I also had surgery.  I got to stop wearing the patches around 9 or so, I was so happy to throw the patch away.  I have always been far sighted so I knew I would be in glasses for life, I didn't care about that.  Happily all the eye infections ended when I got rid of the patch.  

But I don't envy the little boy or his parents, that will not be a fun road for them.  These days they have some really cute patches and one clever father I met working retail had cut out paper in the shape of the glasses lens and mounted it so his little girl couldn't look out the "good" lens.  Very clever and no eye infection out of that.  I had a lot of good things to say to the dad for that.  He didn't think it was a big deal but I told the little girl she was lucky to have a Daddy who loved her so much.  

So I wish them well, poor kid.  I had a terrible road with that.  My vision is fine according to all the eye doctors.  

I did get an ocular migraine today.  Yesterday I "tried" the cheesy sausage, after making Ron some box mix red beans and rice (a big hit with Ron).  The sausage was fine but I woke up with the migraine today, which means it is definitively is a trigger.  The last time I ate cheese sausage I got one, so twice in a row I know it's a trigger.  Which is why I ate it last night, so I wouldn't have to work with it if I did get one.  

Ron woke me up a couple of times last night and the night before, but I went to bed early so I still got my sleep.  For some reason he wakes up starving at 3 AM and wants hot food.  He has been getting corn dogs on those occasions.  That, I don't mind fixing.  

I fed him the red beans and rice on a couple of occasions because he would make a horrible mess eating it himself, and I just changed the sheets on the bed.  Baby Girl has been hanging out with him all day, very cute.  I have gotten cuddles from Torbie, Spotty, and Cleo.  I accidentally rubbed my eyes after petting them, forgetting I am allergic to cats, and have pretty watery and unhappy eyes.  

I need to do up my pills for the next couple weeks.  I already made the trips for tomorrow and did the home things I need to do for work.  I got Ron a face shield at Sam's which he should like a lot better than the mask.  

So I'm going to go do that.  

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