Sunday, July 26, 2020

Saturday and some of Sunday

I slept pretty late for me and got up at 8.  

I ran out of Claratin and funds are tight so I am curious to see if not taking it helps with the headaches... it was better this morning.  

I got up, fed the cats, gave Ron a bath, cooked a pot of dirty rice.  Box mix.  I cooked the ground beef with some onions and peppers (seasonings my idea), then mixed it with the other ingredients.  Ron was very happy with the result.  Good I don't have to worry about feeding him for a couple days.  

Then I took a shower and ran a load of laundry.  I used a lot of towels cleaning Ron.  I can't rub him during the bath it makes him scream in pain.  But I have to get the bath solution on him somehow.  I put it in a sprayer and did that, it worked very well but did require quite a few towels.  I went ahead and threw my towels in the wash as well.  

We had a rain band this morning but it is sunny now.  That's nice I don't have to worry about watering the grass.  

The cats are good.  Someone kicked a lot of litter on the floor in the orange room.  On my NEW floor.  I was not happy about it but the floor is fine.  That's why I got the plastic planks.  

I am onto cooking some lentils, ham, and rice for me, Ron can have some if he wants.  He did and ate a fair amount.  

Next day: 
Slept OK had some odd dreams about trying to cross a street with my feet hobbled.  Ron was a little confused when he woke up but snapped out of it once I gave him some lemonade.  

Rarely he will wake up "off" but snaps out of it.  It always freaks me out though, then I remind myself he had a stroke, shear injury to his brain (very bad), and coup-contracoup injuries to two lobes of his brain.  I should be impressed he does as well as he does, to be honest.  

So I fed the cats and did my God Time.  I got on the computer.  

A white woman, who is more of a liberal than I guessed, put up a long blog post about how a black woman was "persecuted" when pulled over for running a stop sign near her home/work.  She went on in great detail about "feelings of this and that" but the BLACK officer who pulled her over was very nice, she said, she couldn't fault his behavior in the least.  She incited (called) her neighbors to come out and raise a stink, mini BLM "protest" and they decided to let her go.  Then she was angry the police posted the footage of her running the stop sign.  

What did she think, they were going to let her break traffic laws because she is black?  THAT is racism and elitism of the worst sort.  I posted a reply... oh, and by the way, the "victim" spelled the word "rase".  

And white liberals feed this by saying yes of course you're a victim.  And no one is saying LADY YOU RAN A STOP SIGN.  People need to be held accountable when they break laws or there is anarchy.  

Someone felt I was negligent with Ron, they called me on it.  If the social worker ever comes out she will see that is not the case; Ron is very well tended.  I have nothing to hide except the fact I need to sweep the floors.  Cat hair and all... but nothing major.  

The worst thing you can say about Ron's physical and emotional life he does tend to cry at music these days.  It is a little disconcerting for me, I only saw my Dad cry once when I was in the hospital for depression and had given up.  I'm not really used to that.  But he cheers up pretty quick and enjoys his cat, his radio, his food.  

And we got the new toilet no more flushing with the bucket, we should be good for years on that.  And it is of course a million times easier to keep it clean than it would be to clean up the old one, which is still out at the curb.  

My aunt was horrified but #6 had their old toilet next to the house for a month or so before they got rid of it.  I am nice to the pickup guys.  I hate garbage man as a term it is derogatory.  They are very hard workers, perform a public service, and we would be LOST without them.  Anyway I smile and wave, sometimes more, so hopefully they will feel amicable when they see the poor dead toilet at the curb.  If not, I will hire a junk man to take it.  

So they can't ding us on that when/if they come.  And that was about the worst of it since the cleanout.  The house is "fine" for us I clean the litter boxes every day, have an abundance of supplies for both feline and human, A little cat hair on the floor but that's it.  

The new floors (vinyl plank) are great for cats, they don't scratch, cat puke and litter box accidents clean up great, definitely putting them in Ron's room when we can afford it.  

Ron's room is OK for now what little we have has got to be saved for living expenses.  I don't see a need for a remodel on his room right now.  Toilet, yes.  Drywall?  Not urgent.  Sales are truly abysmal I can go in once a week to stock now.  And I just set up that trip, go to the bank, go to the warehouse, go to work.  

I doubt there will be any cash to "harvest" from the machines but Ron pointed out there are days yet to pay me.  TBH if I am a bad Christian and don't give the charities my new debit info I don't have "anything" this pay period.  Cell phone payment went through so that was my only immediate worry.  

I have to pay for my rides but I have a little in there for that.  And combining trips like I plan to do will save us more money.  

Ron is happy the Astros are playing today.  He likes the players and enjoys the game, that is something he shared with his Dad.  

I plan to take a nap in a little bit.  

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