Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday night

Ron used to love eating out but hasn't wanted to in a long time.  Even before the virus.  

So I was very pleased when he said he wanted to order some delivery.  He called the bank, verified he had the money, and had me place the order with Uber eats.  

It took about an hour, they did one of those "Hey, someone in your area ordered with these guys so we will give you free delivery if you make an order, too" things, and someone bit.  So we had to wait longer, but the food arrived in perfect condition.  

Ron really enjoyed eating his shrimp.  I had blackened catfish.  I am not normally a fish eater.  

I have helped Ron study for various food handler permit tests.  And you have to be so careful with fish!  It really put me off any fish not out of a can.  But it's been so hot today it sounded good.  

I enjoyed my meal and felt I got my money's worth.  Ron had a good time murdering his shrimp, he loves shrimp.  We enjoyed it.  

The cats are good, Cleo had her cuddles earlier.  I did my God Time, kettlebells, and shower after I did the report.  Took all medication as directed.  Ron took everything I gave him (two magnesium pills, and a multi).  I am doing a load of clothes and will dry it tomorrow.  

I am thinking it might be fun to get some very large shrimp and cook them for Ron in butter (that will be a god awful mess him eating it...but worth it).  I will have to look around because I am very careful about seafood.  

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