Sunday, July 5, 2020

Lazy and unmotivated

Yesterday was quiet, but I stayed home.  I am sleeping pretty well most nights which I appreciate.  I think the herbs are helping.  

I went to Walmart today and did all my shopping, remembered everything on the list.  I needed a certain kind of bolt with nuts for the toilet chair, I took the safety bar off the back (saved the bar) but lost the nuts.  I had planned to put it over the toilet but that didn't work for Ron, so it is in his room.  BUT I will feel a lot better with a safety bar.  

So I'm in the little hardware section of Walmart and this woman is near me talking about how someone she associates with tested for COVID, was positive, and now she has to get tested.  Why she was out looking at screws I don't know... but I was annoyed.  I walked away until she was gone then found my screws.  I told Ron about it and he said "Thank God you left me home!"

I also got a fan to put on the chest at the foot of my bed, and blow on me while I sleep.  It is even purple.  I couldn't find Ron's sheets but they did have baking soda and laundry detergent.  I like to use the baking soda on the "ripe" loads to help with the odor fighting.  

I did the grocery shopping as well, I found the red beans mix by Zat. the Louisiana company.  I am not going to try to spell the whole name.  It said I needed meat to go with so I did that.  

I found myself standing in front of the Arm and Hammer Oxi display.  I could get a big bag of pods for $8, but it only had 3 "actions" and didn't say anything about stain fighting.  The smaller, more expensive, bag said it fought 100 stains. 5 actions, AND had odor busters.  Ron does not mind the fragrance, either, it is pretty light.  

I have found Ron will complain about strong odors right before a seizure.  

I also (before all this) spent some time looking for a new binder for my prayer stuff.  As I've said I have a binder full of pictures, missionary field reports, thank you notes, and handwritten lists of things to pray for daily.  I am very fond of this notebook but the one I bought today is my fourth in about 10 years.  I am pretty hard on them.  I found a very nice black one rated for durability, a little thicker, black, I was very happy with it for about $6.  My old binder picked a good time to fizzle on me.  I had mended it with duct tape on a separated seam but it was coming off and very sticky.  I figured might as well get it during back to school season when I have a good selection.  

I also found some empty spray bottles which are great, and had a terrible time finding female products.  I ovulated this month so definitely having a cycle in a couple weeks, happily one of the store brands is very effective so I got that.  But here's something I don't get, something like over half of all adult women are overweight/obese.  

They do the sizing on the pads now based, basically, on your weight.  A bigger woman gets a bigger pad (not thicker but wider and longer).  That is good thinking, but I can NEVER find the bigger sizes.  Ever.  It is horrible.  Again, have had to go to store brand a time or two.  But I did get both pads and tampons which will cover me another couple months.  

That's the thing transitioning on my cycles, I don't know what to expect.  I have heard horror stories from women in my menopause group about insanely heavy cycles.  And I of course don't want to be caught short.  

I also got Ron a backup Irish Spring deodorant since he likes it.  I originally got it for me but if he wants it that's fine.  I took the "sporty" deodorant he didn't like instead.  I don't care, he's the only one going to smell me and it is more common he puts his arm around me in bed (all rated G) than the opposite.  

And I couldn't forget the chicken strips and a burger, on the way out.  I called Arturo.  20 minutes or so, that was fine.  Have you tried to get a cab ride from Walmart on a Sunday?  HA.  Good luck I will wait on Arturo.  And he is nice about loading everything and "letting" me use his trunk.  I want to support the small business too.  

So I was waiting outside.  They took away the seating and there is no shade anywhere away from the people.  I did not want to wait in the foyer even if they would have let me, and they kept yelling on the PA about no loitering.  I thought I was doing OK but I forgot all the warnings on my medication about getting overheated.  

Now, generally that means I can't take a bath, I get too hot and cook my brains, get really sick.  So I don't do a bath anymore.  I started getting that same dizzy feeling, though.  Oh, shit.  

No one warned my parents when I was given an antidepressant at age 13, and on one occasion I almost passed out at an amusement park.  They had to sit me down in the shade and bring me a large ice water, sponge me down.  It was embarrassing and scary.  I DID NOT want that again.  I stood there, swaying a little, wondering why didn't I think about the heat?  Bring an umbrella?  

But Arturo came before I got into trouble.  Not something I'd care to repeat, though.  I think I am going to stick with deliveries for the duration.  We came home.  

We put everything in the garage and I shut the door.  Then I took Ron his food, he had a choice of chicken strip or hamburger.  He wanted the chicken so I gave it to him.  The nice thing about a chicken strip it is a clean eating experience and doesn't end up everywhere.  

I did buy Ron more chicken patties as he really liked the sandwich, and I got some sliced cheese to make a really good meal for him.  We like the Kraft Hickory sauce.  

He has his hamburger (no pickles) for later.  So that saves me a little bit of cooking.  

I ate my hamburger and took my pills.  

Once I got everything put away I set up my new fan, it looks good in my mostly purple bedroom.  I like the accent of the green forest print on the wall.  

I set up the fan, turned it on low, and laid down.  I slept pretty well and will keep using the fan.  The herbal stuff is helping (but I believe does play a role in my heat intolerance) as well with the hot flashes.  

We are taking tomorrow off but work Tuesday.  

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