Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wednesday night, manic and not sleeping

Well the new toilet is flushing everything.  So that is good.  I told that one reader it was not a drain line issue.  

Ron is having a horrible night for pain.  I feel bad for him but he has stopped yelling so pain meds are kicking in.  

The cats have been awesome, Biscuit gave me a very nice pancreas massage as I laid in bed trying to sleep.  I got up after a while because I just couldn't sleep.  

I am manic now and very little I can do about it, I need to go to sleep.  Now this, if I could drive, I would just get in the car and go to work, do it all tonight as the facility is open all the time, even during hurricanes.  But I need to go to sleep, get up tomorrow - no shower as Mike used caulk on the new shower fixture - I will use Ron's bed bath stuff - and go to work then.  

I wouldn't want to try to get a Uber home from work around midnight it would take forever and be horribly unsafe for me, waiting.  The bad guys tend to sleep in the morning.  

I sprayed some disinfectant on my keyboard the other day and it is horribly sticky.  It is good disinfectant but I will have to use my "Better Life" on it and see if that helps.  It is really hard to find any cleaning product these days, much less something that will work for Ron's allergies.  He is hypersensitive to scents and has even blamed incense for one of his seizures.  I will turn my computer off for that.  Jon-don has a lot of products, it looks like, and I managed to score some empty spray bottles so that makes it easier.  

I made grilled cheese for dinner, Ron is a big fan.  I use a lot of real, salted, butter, 2 slices American cheese, and multi grain bread in my iron skillet.  It is kind of a cleanup but not so bad when you consider I am making meals for both of us.  I give him the first one.  :)  He works on that while mine sizzle away.  He did ask if I could add bacon and I can make that work.  I will probably cheat and get the precooked bacon for that.  

Oh, so lively and I have to wait... I am going to lie down again after I get this guck off my keyboard.  

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