Monday, November 19, 2012


Ron and I have some interesting conversations, as we walked.

We walked a lot, to the bus stop, to the store, you name it.  We walked MILES together.  Next year, though, we'll reach the depressing milestone of "Ron has been in the wheelchair more than he was out of it" (at least in our married life).

Speaking of, I saw the driver today (the man who ran over Ron).  I always hate Mondays for that.  Since my lithium (mood stabilizer) is at a good level, I didn't get all rabid, but it's depressing to remember the days when Ron got the deliveries on his own.

So, we talked as we walked.  Ron walked, using his long white cane in his right hand, holding my right elbow with his left hand (I still wear my bag on my left shoulder, to keep the right arm free).

One day, we got to talking about drugs.  Illegal drugs.  Ron lived in California during the 70's and 80's, and he saw a lot of drug use.  One day, a guy came up to him at the bus stop selling LSD.  I can't imagine that.

"People used to smoke pot while waiting on the bus" he told me "You could get anything."  I won't divulge what Ron might have done, that's his business.

At any rate, Ron had seen a lot of drug use.  "Ron" I asked him "If you saw me using something illegal what do you think I would have used?"

He thought a moment as we walked a long, then came back with a surprising answer "Stimulants".  I was very surprised, but, recently, I've been thinking about his answer.

He's right.  When I'm depressed, I consume a lot of caffeine.  When I'm manic, I consume a lot of caffeine.

It's legal - but it's still a stimulant.


Anonymous said...

Yuck, a litter box in the bedrooms? Doesn't that make you want to vomit? Maybe that is contributing to your migranes. The odor from cat urine is not good for you. Not to mention the parasites that you can't see, crawling all around and near the box with the fecal matter in it.

Do a video blog tour!

Heather Knits said...

Well, I think cat waste out of the box is a lot worse than cat waste in a box. It's been my policy, with kittens, to have a box in every room they frequent. They do a lot better that way.

Imagine you're a small child, and you have to walk half a mile to use the toilet. You won't always make it.

Instead of blaming the kitten, one day, years ago, I realized it was my fault. I've never had a problem with this policy.

I don't have a box in my room anymore, she doesn't use it anyway. We have one in the front room, computer room, and Ron's man cave, under the table.

I need to vacuum before I do any video blog tours. Besides some people, not you I'm sure, would make hostile and critical comments about anything they saw. It's a happy home and that's what matters.

Heather Knits said...

PS - clumping litter = no odor.

I do clean the boxes daily.

Anonymous said...

I use clumping litter also and there is still odor. I keep 2 boxes in a room in my basement specifically for the cat boxes. I can't imagine relaxing on my couch with a tray of cat poop nearby! I havent had the problem with them "not making it" to the box. The only rule I follow is one box per cat, so in my case, 2. Having one on each floor of my house would be unnecessary not to mention unsanitary. There's a reason pregnant women arent supposed to scoop cat poop.

Vaccuum Soon! Look foward to a video.

Heather Knits said...

OK - "There's a reason women aren't supposed to do the litter box" - toxoplasmosis - dangerous to PREGNANT woman.

Two, I don't like your attitude. Do whatever you want in your home but don't tell me how to manage mine.

It is very easy to hide behind an "anonymous" cloak and tell me what to do. If you're who I think you are (CB) than I can see why you went anonymous. Your previous comments were so hateful I didn't even publish them.

Baby Girl and I are happy with the litter box arrangement, and that's all that matters. She says hello to my other readers, as the attacks the tag on my chair cushion.

Anonymous said...

Wow, don't get so defensive. For the record I don't know who "CB" is and I didn't post any other comments than the two above about the cat litter, so get a clue and realize that not all the comments come from the same person. And no, this is not a demonic attack.

Heather Knits said...

Wow, that was so spectacular I had to publish it.

I'll let people make their own conclusions.

God bless you, I am praying for you daily.

Luke 6:28