Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Voted!

If I could change a "little" thing about Ron, I'd change his attitude towards me pushing him in the wheelchair.  He always acts like I have to run an obstacle course.

I enjoy physical activity.  Like I told him, it's great butt exercise,  I'm using all thighs and gluteus to push him.  He's not heavy, we live in a flat city, and the chair rolls well.  What's the problem?

Ron's got this thing in his head that women don't do the heavy lifting, push the wheelchairs, etc.  I don't mind.  In fact, I love it because I have guaranteed company.  My love language is quality time so that means I get my love language "fed" every time I push him in the wheelchair.

I just wish I could take "I don't want to bother you" out of his vocabulary, when it comes to pushing him in the wheelchair.

First, we had to go to work.  We went to the warehouse first and got our supplies.  We picked up an autistic man who took a real liking to Ron's talking book machine, and kept trying to grab it.  Ron was very kind and gentle.  I unloaded our supplies, got the cart, loaded the supplies on the cart, and took them in.  Some stuff went into an ice bath, some went into the fridge, and some into the snack machine.  I couldn't get as much as I wanted but the machines looked pretty decent when I left.

We have a TV area, so I put the majority of my inventory near the TV room, so the watchers could grab a quick snack while watching election results.  Here's to hoping we get good sales.  Hopefully, I get paid in a week - it's in my interest to stock 'em up!

After work, we went home.  I was pretty tired so I laid down for 20 minutes.  Then, off to load up the wheelchair and take Ron to vote.

Happily, most of our drivers were immigrants and apolitical.  The guy who took us to vote was very happy, and didn't talk politics.  We didn't have a long way to go.

We got to the building and the parking lot was pretty empty.  Huh.  I pushed Ron in the open door and found the polling place.

The election judges took one look at Ron and went uh-oh.  They asked me to help him vote, asked Ron if he wanted my help, and he demanded it.  I voted just the way he wanted.  He and I had different votes on one candidate.  After discussing his desires, I put his hand on "cast ballot" and told him to "push it!"

He was worried someone could see his votes, and I said, no, it went back to select language.  Only in America, do you select a language to vote!  [laugh]  I do live in a multi-ethnic area, so I imagine they had at least 4 different languages.

I parked Ron out of the way, offered him a lollipop, and did my voting.  All done.

We had an hour before our pickup.  Or, we were about 1/4 mile from a bus stop.  I pushed him to the bus stop and got him a couple fried chicken specials.  Then I went to the grocery store, left him outside eating chicken, and got my groceries (some 2 liter diet soda and sugar free jello).

While I was inside, Ron called a subsidized cab (the subsidy pays the first $8, trying to encourage people to get off paratransit).  He told them I could fold up the wheelchair and he could transfer.  We got a driver pretty quick.  The trip was short and uneventful (we had bought the driver his own fried chicken special).

However, Ron got out while I was unloading the wheelchair, and he left his talking book machine on the cab.  Ron was pretty frantic; but the driver brought it back, and was very nice about it.  Please send up a little prayer for him to have good trips and nice clients.

I took a small nap and came here.  Now I need to eat something, take my pills, and see who won.

Either way, I'm praying for them, and you, every day.

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