Friday, November 23, 2012

Chili, a whine

Every now and then I get an idea for a blog, forget, remember, and forget again.  Either it ends up lost for good, or I finally type it out.

I'd like to talk about chili.  As you know, I live in Texas.

As you may not know, I have yet to find a decent Texas Chili.  [shudder]  Horrible, greasy, things, all of them.

When Ron and I lived in California, we had a surprising selection of chili, some name brands, and some local.  Our favorite was Stagg Steakhouse Chili, no beans.  Ron liked the hot version.

I'm more of a mild kind of gal, hard to believe, I know.

It was delicious, meaty, bean-y, if we ate the bean versions, satisfying, filling and non greasy.  Which begs the question, if California can provide a good chili, why can't Texas?

We've eaten them, they are all so greasy.  The Wolf gave us both heartburn.  Store brands were awful, and the Austex was like eating a can of chili-flavored bacon grease.  Yes, they were meaty but they were too heavy.

Maybe my tastebuds just got spoiled, living in California.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you do live in, or near Houston, try Jame's Coney Islands. You can buy their chili in bricks to take home. I'm 68 and grew up in Houston, but haven't lived there since '66 and from what I can remember it was well worth eating. And while you're there, you might as well eat a couple of their coneys.