Saturday, November 10, 2012

Revenge of the Jello

I had a craving for Jello, so I bought some a few days ago.  Yesterday, I made some "Black Cherry".  Boy, it was awful, but I grimly ate it all.

Today, I woke up with a nasty headache.  I took some Headache pills, and they beat it back.  I did my God Time, took a shower, and noted an annoying problem had finally "come to a head".  I dealt with that.

Ron and I went to Foodtown.  They have the best prices on milk.  I am sure the cows are eating things that would upset the health food people, and probably given hormones to boot.  But the milk tastes good, doesn't make me sick, and I can afford it.

I got a few things, including the gallon of milk.  As I browsed the meat department, I wished fondly for a pot roast.  It had been a while.

Maybe, I thought, I could get some neck bones.  Those are good, albeit bony, and very "red" meat.  I wanted some red meat.

Maybe I'm a little anemic, I don't know.  I just craved red meat.

I couldn't afford a pot roast, I thought sadly, and it had been a while.  I stopped.  $7?  For a 3.5 pound roast?  "Reduced for quick sale!" proclaimed a sticker.

THAT, I could manage.  I stuck it in the cart.  I saw another one marked $2.50 and greedily stuck that in my cart, but God convicted me on that so I put it back.

I got out of there for $15, including the pot roast, 2.5 dozen eggs, and a gallon of milk.  Seemed like a good deal to me.

Our ride came quickly, it was the same driver who'd dropped us.  A toothless, very manic client rode in the front seat.  She was exhausting.  We got out and I put up my food.

I got the crock pot, washed it, and placed it in the warmer.  I seasoned the meat and stuck it in "directly".  With the older meat the sooner you cook it, the better.  Once I had it going I put up the milk and eggs.

The pharmacy had called, time for my refill.  Huh? I just got a refill.  However, it was lithium and I NEVER turn down lithium.  We headed off to the store and I picked it up.  Yup, 300 mg, 4x a day.

I had very little money left, but I did get a few things for Ron (he paid for them).  He wanted some spicy BBQ chips.  I never eat those.  I got some more ramen noodles, I like them for a quick meal now and then.  I was happy to see they had the 2 liters of the fake Diet Dr Pepper.  I got as many as I could reach (3).

I like to rinse out the bottles and refill them with tap water.  It's an easy way to get some water for the disaster kit, for free.

God knows I think we're headed for plenty of disasters.

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