Sunday, November 4, 2012

The rest of the day

Well, I was wrong.  I did get pretty queasy after eating; the meal wasn't "solid" enough to "hold" the lithium.  If I don't eat a HEARTY meal, I get pretty nauseous.  It was bad enough I had to lie down.

When I got up, I made up another box of "donate" items, threw away a trashcan full of junk, and organized the closet.  I'm not done yet, but I'm taking a break.

Ron's percussion massager has been going nonstop all day; he's having a bad neuropathy day.  I hate that, I hurt for him.  I felt horrible, for a long time, because I reminded him to take the antibiotic that made him so sick.

I forgot to mention, doing laundry.  Which I should get back to.  Happily, the lawn looks fine so I don't need to mow, but my garden needs some weeding.  I plan to plant some sugar snap peas this winter, and some greens.

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